Microsoft CRM Timesheets as Contract Management Extension
If you are professional organization where your consultants or technicians log their time into billing system with following management review and approval, then Microsoft CRM may have substantial logic for project management out of the box.
In this publication we are suggesting timecard entry logic in Microsoft CRM Contract management and then offer you simple add-on to simplify time logging. Functionality is available in current version MS CRM 4.0 as well as in its previous version 3.0
1. Contract Management in MS CRM. For each Account (if you treat is as customer) you can create Contract,

then you create Contract Lines (where you define budget, which will be rolled up to the Contract). And then, when you have at least one Contract line with the budget, you do Actions -> Invoice Contract and at this point it is ready for Timesheets management
2. Case as Workorder. In order to match your consultant time cards with available budget, we recommend you to create Case on the level of the Contract Line. If you do so - when case is about to be closed you will be suggested to post billable time against Contract line budget
3. Task as timelog. We looked at various options such as Phone Call, Fax, and decided to recommend Task as the most universal and simple base for the time card entry. Task has duration and this duration is summarized to the Case
4. Management Approval in native MS CRM logic. You can do it right in MS CRM, when you open the Case and Actions -> Close case here assuming that you are approving manager you can review the timelogs, and decide which time is accepted for billing and which is written off. We should agree with you that this approval logic is probably too basic and you need more flexible and advanced approval cycle
5. Microsoft CRM Timesheets Add-on. Here we recommend to improve the interface for the consultant or technician in MS CRM to go just to the point of entering new timecard. We show all the Cases belonging to you (where you are owner) or associated with you via sharing. We also have approval screen, plus export of approved timelogs to text file for being imported into generic Accounting application
6. Automatic real time sheets export to Microsoft Dynamics GP or SAP Business One. These logics are available as "solutions", meaning that we do not have it in the packaged product, but we have codes, which could be deployed or further customized
7. MS CRM Timesheets international versions. We made this add-on flexible and ready for being translated into foreign language. At this time we have several major languages supported and you as potential customer should know that translating to the new language requires technically about one hour to translate string resources from English into your targeted language
8. How to get help? Please, call us 1-866-528-0577, 1-630-961-5918 or email us