Microsoft Dynamics GP large scale customization overview

May 3


Andrew Karasev

Andrew Karasev

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When you plan to deploy Microsoft Great Plains as the ERP platform for your unique business processes automation, meaning implementing a lot of modifications and custom logic – this is good decision, however you should familiarize yourself with GP customization, integration, reporting and software development tools and options


You should be familiar with: Microsoft Dexterity,Microsoft Dynamics GP large scale customization overview Articles eConnect, Business Portal, VBA/Modifier, GP Integration Manager.  Plus you should be comfortable in understanding how to balance your internal IT resources and potentially internal development contractors with MS Dynamics GP external professional and consultants:

  • GP niche.  In general, most of American businesses could be automated with MS Dyn GP.  If you are huge public corporation, such as GM – GP might be a bit scaled down MRP option, however if you are subdivision of large corporation, then GP should be a good fit.  Just in case if you are not sure – check what Microsoft Dynamics AX Axapta could do for you, if you are large organization
  • Customization Longevity.  This question might not be the first one to come to your mind, however it will be a big concern when you face GP version upgrade or even going further substantial change in technology, trend to something new – good example is introduction of .Net, XML Web Services and by doing so pretty much phasing out the former ERP longevity concerns, such as DB and operating system independence (MS Windows, Unix, Solaris, MAC, etc.)
  • Tools Review.  Microsoft Dexterity is actually GP architecture, which was designed in earlier 1990th by Great Plains Software.  With the introduction of new tools, such as eConnect (SQL Stored procedures with a set of various enveloping interfaces, allowing your to program GP integrations being MS Visual Studio developer), you should probably be a bit conservative and do not consider the customization plan, when all your eggs are placed into dex basket.  Instead, consider substantial custom work to be performed in eConnect C# or VB.Net development.  VBA will be a patching tool for you when you plan complex integrations via GP integration Manager
  • SQL Scripting.  GP as being kind of traditional ERP, where you have tables structure exposed and plus Dexterity source code programming is available through GP Dex Source code partners, as not the best, but at the same time available option you should consider SQL stored procedures, views and custom scripts as a way to enable your custom logic to penetrate to GP “sealed insides”.  When you decide that SQL scripting is the only way to patch your customization interface, we suggest you to appeal to professional GP consultant help.