Newsbytes From The World Wide Web

Mar 21


Jim Edwards

Jim Edwards

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Google Desktop Live Google's free desktop search utility made it out of the"beta" stage and users can now download a finished 1.0version from for free.


With improvements over the "beta" version released in 2004,the finished version not only allows you to search your owncomputer for Microsoft Office documents,Newsbytes From The World Wide Web Articles emails, andinstant messaging history, but now supports music, video,images, PDF files, and the Firefox and Netscape Webbrowsers. In their never-ending quest to make their name synonymouswith "search," Google's Desktop Search utility makes a boldstep towards dominating the desktop search market. Available for Windows XP and Windows 2000, Google's desktopsearch remains miles ahead of MSN and Yahoo!, who releasedtheir own beta version desktop search utilities severalmonths after Google. Google also chose to create an environment friendly tothird-party software developers by encouraging them todevelop "plug ins" that expand the capabilities of theirDesktop Search application. By allowing others to add their "two-cents" to the program,Google will further cement their position as the leader inthis emerging field of "desktop" search.MP3 Player Wars Boiling OverIn response to Apple's iPod Shuffle, a low priced flashmemory MP3 audio player, Sony announced plans to offer acomparably low priced MP3 player in the $100 to $150 range.This in response to complaints from consumers that Sony'spast MP3 player offerings rated too expensive next to thefeature-rich iPpod. Consumers can expect several developments in response toSony's entry into the "Under $150" MP3 player market. First, increased use of the portable players will causerelated businesses selling the actual MP3's and accessoriesto experience continued growth, both online and offline. Second, a new trend known as "pod casting" is getting setto explode. "Pod casting" involves content providers (radio dj's,entrepreneurs, columnists, musicians) creating MP3 audiocontent and then making it super simple for listeners toautomatically download these "broadcasts" online and listento them at their convenience. The fact that consumers can now get their hands on theequipment to download and listen to these broadcasts socheaply means a whole world of amateur dj's and talk showhosts is about to hit the cyber-airwaves. Though you've heard rumblings about it, and people aregrasping around in the dark trying to get a grip on howto implement it, now you can actually plan to see and hearabout the widespread use of "pod casting" in the very nearfuture since a potential audience of listeners with theright equipment is now set to grow.Associated Press Offers RSS FeedsThe Associated Press now offers RSS feeds of their top newsstories. RSS (Real Simple Syndication) makes it possiblefor content providers to offer instant updates to theirreaders without sending email. Anyone with an RSS reader such as FeedDemon( can receive and read RSS feeds. Traditionally, the Associated Press marketed their servicesexclusively to newspapers and online sources such as Yahoo!News. Now, by offering their RSS feeds directly to consumers, the Associated Press is obviously seeking tobypass online news sources and go directly to the consumer.The fact that the world's oldest and largest news sourcehas chosen to start offering content this way demonstratesquite clearly that RSS is fast coming of age as anacceptable mass-communication medium and that widespreadconsumer adoption is imminent. Soon, there'll be an RSS reader on every computer desktopand the use of RSS will become as widespread as email.Need MORE TRAFFIC to your website or affiliate links? "Turn Words Into Traffic" reveals the secrets for drivingThousands of NEW visitors to your website or affiliatelinks... without spending a dime on advertising! Click Here>