Please have a look on the next wonderful programs
Please look at these remarkable tools to clean your drives from unnecessary and obsolete files. Here is a brief overview of their features and limitations.
The Mop 4.44.14The Mop! - Word for word. "Mop" - a special utility to clean the hard disk from so-called "junk" ie files that do not contain any valuable information and take up space on your hard drive. Support exceptions,
file mask (its not add) to physically remove. The simplest interface (although a bit buggy). Interesting function of demand shows the percentage decrease junk files your computer performance. In general the program with a minimum and that is the strangest thing - charge. But the name smiled.U-Clean
U-Clean program designed to find and delete temporary files and backup files. You can search for data backup files on separate disks as your computer and all at once. U-Clean search files by masks: *. TMP, *. TEMP, *. BAK; the user can add and delete file types to search which gives unlimited possibilities for the identification of "unnecessary" files in the system. In addition the program displays the entire contents of the temporary files that contain the remains of other than temporary files installation media, various updates and other types of temporary files that are opened by different applications for their work. While searching for files U-Clean counts the total size of files found. This program has a manager updates via Internet.
Besides: The ability to support plug-ins, advanced settings interface, pop up menu for the file list. Protection from deleting files from the system folder. Score from the search results. Cleaning the Windows "Add or Remove Programs" from the records incorrectly deleted programs. Clear the cache, cookies and introduced URL Internet Explorer. Cleaning the swap file. Find and delete the "broken" shortcuts, empty directories and file size of 0 bytes. Clearing the list of stories Windows.
The program has a nice, simple interface
WashAndGo 8.751
A program to clean the hard disk from the accumulated on it "stuff" - junk, temporary or missing files, defective labels, browser cache, wrong registry keys in the "Remove Programs", etc. Features - configurability, the possibility of full automation and remote backup feature information with the admissibility of its auto-delete after 14 days. Can clean the registry and look for zero-length files, removes unnecessary files, service packs of Windows, prefetch files, minidump files. Beautiful interface.Very long the search.