Protecting corporation IT infrastructure is a daily struggle for almost all large organizations. However, corporations which have an established and effective security information plan in place will experience less downtime.
Operating a motor vehicle requires mastery of a number of controls, complying with a set of laws, and reacting to those laws. It’s likely that the motor vehicle will be equipped with numerous safety features, such as anti-lock brakes, driver and passenger side airbags, side curtain airbags, all-wheel drive and of course seatbelts. If you are driving on public roads, then you are obliged to comply with local traffic laws, otherwise you risk being pulled over or worse, end up colliding into another vehicle. No one in their right sense can confidently say that, it’s ok to drive 100 mph on a 55 mph speed limit zone, since your car has airbags. The thought of that is quite simply preposterous to comprehend by a sane individual.
However, what seems to be considered ridiculous in concept of safe driving can be an enticement in the realm of information technology. Is it not possible to simply invent sole Unified Threat Management (UTM) software, equipped with the most advanced information security features ever invented in the dominion of IT? Sadly, the answer is ‘no’. Therefore, it’s imperative that organizations espouse and formulate customized strategies to avert (first and foremost) and prepare for potential cyber attacks.
According to current research and trends, several groups like the Hacktivist have emerged, determined to intimidate organizations through e-terrorism. Some of these groups have the same agenda, while others differ in their agendas. For example one group, Cult of the Dead Cow (cDc) purpose is to promote the freedom of expression and human rights by exposing the data of corrupt corporations to the general public. Corporations not only have to fear cyber crooks who are motivated solely to gain financially, but now they also have to deal with e-terrorist with an ideological agenda, be it social, religious, political or ethical. It’s only a matter of time before a full blown e-war on corporations begins, as hackers become increasingly motivated to take down large enterprises, its one war that corporations are badly losing with diminutive probability of winning.
What can corporations do to defend themselves?
Therefore, as mentioned earlier, companies have to implement a set of strategies to counter these imminent threats to their IT infrastructure. Organizations can begin formulation of these strategies by implementing copious layers engineered to filter out all threats to their IT infrastructure. For example organization should set up layers of firewalls, intruder prevention software, endpoint protection software, data security software and set strong authentication for e-credentials. Moreover, organizations need to be careful about data leaks resulting from portable drives. Companies should secure USBdrives with portable data security software.
Investing in human capital is another vital step in protecting your organization’s IT infrastructure. Hiring the right talent who are competent and knowledgeable in field of information technology is vital. Your human resources are more dynamic than any sophisticated software out there. With their training, skill and vigilance, you are undoubtedly on the safe side. For example: company servers have been running quite sluggish for the past week, the problem could be either hard-ware related or software related, or perhaps it may be affected by an unknown malware. To determine the root cause, only an IT expert can accurately diagnose the problem, no software would be capable of pin-pointing the root cause.
The Causes and Effects of Data Breach
Data breach cases are increasing day by day, in 2008 there were only about 550 cases of such kind, in 2013 there have been more than 1400 cases are reported yet.The Perfect Measure to Secure Data
Storing data in on a PC is always risky. There is always a fear of data getting stolen.How to Make Your Private Data Secure
Securing your data is not a complex issue. You just need to keep your antivirus up to date; use software that can make your data secure by setting up a password on your folders.