When we say new technology the first word that pops in our minds is computer. Computer dominates our planet. The next word to associate computer is printer. In almost all industries, a computer without printer is useless because printer does the ultimate output of your work.
Before reading Jennifer Proia’s article I never knew that the ink used in printing contributes to the pollutions that endanger human existence. According to her, commercial printing process creates enormous amounts of carcinogens, hazardous wastes and pollution. Before we proceed to the solutions let us first familiarize ourselves with these few important words.
Carcinogen is a solvent that compose the mixture of chemicals used in press-cleaning solution. Chemical carcinogens include methylene chloride, benzene and perchloroethylene. Evidences show that certain industries such as printing are associated with an increased risk of developing bladder cancer. Bladder cancer is believed to be caused by carcinogens.
When presses and equipments are cleaned it generates solvent and solvents containing liquids. These solvents may be toxic or flammable and almost all are classified as volatile organic compounds or VOCs. Once in the atmosphere, VOCs combine with other pollutants. These pollutants form ozone, called smog. Smog is an air pollutant that aggravates lung diseases. Solvents may also cause water pollution if not discharged properly.
So how can we reduce, if not eliminate, the use of these harmful solvents?
One way is by choosing printing inks. There are two types of ink, the petroleum-based ink and the soy-based ink, also known as soy ink. Soy inks are made from soybeans. It contains soybean oil used in cooking oil, so it is non-toxic. When used in printing, soy ink creates rich, vivid colors. It is safe because it decompose without harm to the environment. Soy inks are accessible. They promote paper recycling and create less waste on press.
So why use harmful ink if you can use earth-friendly ink without compromising output and production?
Another way to prevent pollution is the local exhaust ventilation or LEV. LEV removes offending materials before it can mix with air. With the proper application of LEV, cleaning solvents can be quickly captured. Pollution can be also minimized by using water based cleaners and solutions with carcinogens at concentration below 0.1%.
It is very important to know the product you are using. Read policies and rules regarding chemical use. Be aware of the bad effects it may cause. Dispose of waste materials properly.
How To Create 3d Effects Using Corel 10
CorelDRAW’s tenth edition software, the CorelDraw 10, is an upgraded combination of CorelDRAW and Corel Photo-Paint with new features and a unified interface. It has added features from Corel R.A.V.E., a vector based animation suite that introduced the popular Micromedia Flash animations and movie format best suited for web content. It also offers more fonts, clip arts, option palettes, filters, toolbars, and a graphics powerhouse to help you create print and web graphics design. All tools used in this software are those tools you see in Photo-paint or R.A.V.E.Multiple Social Security Beneficiaries
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a federal program run by Social Security Administration that gives a monthly income to people with disabilities, blind, or who are 65 or older with limited income and property. Recipients must be a U.S. citizen or a national with countable income below the federal benefit rate or FBR.Gathering The Required Data For Your Personal Injury Case
You must be prepared before speaking with any of the insurance company’s representatives. Collect all important documents and evidences, including the photographs, police and medical reports, and statements of your witnesses. Take notes of important details and review the policies given by the company. Do not say anything that will cause your claim to be denied. Examine every photograph; they might see an angle that may be turned against you.