REACH EU and its intricacies
REACH EU registration is needed for those who manufacture or import > 1 tonne of a chemical substance or if an imported article intentionally releases a chemical at over 1 tonne.
REACH stands for the Regulation for Registration,

Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals. It was created to reorganize and develop the earlier legislative framework for chemicals of the European Union (EU). REACH EU also formed the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) which has a central co-ordination and functioning role in the overall process. For advice on fulfilling the obligations of REACH EU, sector groups, chambers of commerce and other organisations, trade associations, which are particularly familiar with sector-specific terminology, stakeholder help desks have been introduced to provide individual support to products and industrial sectors.The first major piece of European chemical supply legislation was published in 1967, which set the framework for the control of dangerous chemicals. With the exception of finished pharmaceuticals, radioactive substances, direct food additives, ammunition etc, the Dangerous Substances Directive, and the myriad of Directives that came about from it, shaped the basis of all following chemical control Directives. If chemicals are supplied from within the EU, the registration must be taken care of by the up-stream supplier and not the customer.Exempt materials are detailed in the REACH Article 2 legal text and incorporate pharmaceuticals and food additive.Note that crop defence products and biocides are not exempt, but are considered ‘registered' under their own parallel systems. Matter that is used in exempt applications, but are used in other areas, will need registration underREACH EU; e.g. food grade colourants used in inks.REACH is an European Community Regulation that directly applies in all Member States of the European Union. REACH EU is of EEA (European Economic Area) relevance as it has been incorporated into the Agreement on the European Economic Area.Reach Suite has all other information about REACH EU that a user may be looking for.