You need to perform monthly checkups on your tape backup device.
Now that many people have high speed internet access today, they are choosing to back up important data and information to a server at a remote location because it is so readily accessible. Below we will look at what remote server backup is and how you select the right service provider.
An online backup service will use software, which will automatically upload the files a person has selected to a remote computer or server. This then at any stage provides them with the capabilities of being able to restore these files if at any stage, they lost them or they become damaged. All that they need to have in order to achieve this is an internet connection.
Today there are numerous companies now offering this facility and some will allow you to just store a few megabytes, which is ideal for home users. Whilst others will let the person store a few terabytes and is more likely to be used by a business. Each terabyte is worth 1,000 gigabytes. Therefore, you really will not be stuck for space to backup your data to.
On average, a person can expect to spend between $9 and $52 each month to be able to store their data on to a remote backup server. However, what you pay will depend on the amount of data you have. For example, those who only want to store around 500MB of data each month on to such as system will be expected to pay around $9.00 whilst those who want to save say 10GB of data can expect to pay as much as $52.00.
When looking for such a service there are certain factors that you will need to take into consideration and which will help to ensure that you get the best service possible. Below we look at just what some of these factors are.
1. You need to be sure that the backup solution you are considering using will actually work with the particular PC set up that you have.
2. Does the service allow you to back up selected files of your choice or will you need to backup everything that is on your PC's hard drive?
3. Does the service you wish to use allow the backups to be carried out automatically and without you actually having to be there when it is being done?
4. Will it allow you to backup files that are open and any databases, which you may be running at that time? Unfortunately, not all remote server backup services actually provide you with these kinds of facilities.
5. What kind of security do they have in place? Do they allow the data to be encrypted whilst it is being transferred to the remote server backup system and whilst stored there? Also in order for a person to gain access to the facilities at the center where the servers are held can only be done through use of a password.
Finally it is important that when looking for a good remote server backup service you choose one which will notify you of any problems relating to either the backup or restoring of the data you have held with them.
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