Commission reports are present in mid-market ERP packages including Business One. However the functionality might be too simple and in real life situations you would like to be creative in motivating your sales folks. We would like to share with you case studies where more sophisticated logic was programmed.
Natural tool is CR as Business Objects are owned by SAP at this time and the database is Microsoft SQL Server. Before we continue we would like to give few recommendations. It is good idea to isolate report data pulling logic in SQL Stored Procedure or View and test it directly in Query Designer in SQL Management Studio. Following this recommendation you can be sure that your report produces accurate data and doesn’t do such annoying things as rows duplicates. Plus in the future when you decide to change the logic there is no need to open report for redesign as formulas could be changed directly in the procedure or view. Stored Procedure is more powerful as here you can deploy such constructions as cursors and temporary tables. Let’s now come down to details:
1. Advanced logic and user defined fields. SAP B1 doesn’t require programming in order to add custom fields to existing table. In Commissioning it is reasonable to attach the fields to Business Partner which hosts both vendors and customers. When you are ready with the calculation method then add required fields. This is the path: Tools -> Customization Tools -> User Defined Fields Management. Expand Master Data, Business Partner and then highlight Business Partner below it. And now click Add button on the bottom of the form. Go ahead and add as many new ones as needed for the calculations and commission types. Possible candidates are ID, date from and to, percentage and limit just to open the list and give you the ideas in creativity
2. Editing Commission fields. There is no need to program user interface as primitive interface is created by the application automatically. Please in use interface in View menu mark System Information. At this point open Business Partner form and you should see user defined fields editing popup to the right from the form. Edit all the customers subject to accrual and now you are ready to do SQL programming
3. Table and Field names. When you switch on View System Information object name should be displayed on the bottom of the application form in its left section. Let’s try it. Open A/R Invoice form and place cursor over Customer edit field. You should read OINV table and CardCode for the field name. If you are with us in this exercise then you should be ready to SQL Query design
4. Database. Again as we already mentioned it is MS SQL Server and each company is hosted in separate database with its separate metadata (where user defined stuff is stored). In our opinion it is OK to store your View or Stored procedure directly in the company database. But there is Watch Dog utility which is supposed to transmit changes on the database level to SAP. So probably more elegant solution is to create separate database where your custom objects are stored. Give yourself reasonable time and do your own quality assurance in Management Studio until you are satisfied with record set quality
5. At this time it is OK to launch Crystal Report Designer and finish the job. Fonts, Page number, Color, Graphical logo and other cosmetics are now a pleasure to work with
6. Second Opinion. Sometimes we hear complain from the customer that somebody screwed up Crystal Report design and it is producing duplicate rows and incorrect summaries. Of course each consulting company has its strong and weak points and it is difficult to blame. These people probably had the best efforts to help you and were considering make learning curve as short as possible. Feel free to appeal to second opinion and good sources of potential candidates is Google, Yahoo and Bing search engines
7. Please call us 1-866-304-3265, 1-269-605-4904, We have local presence in Chicagoland, Southern California, Atlanta Georgia, South West Michigan, Houston and Dallas areas of Texas. We serve customers USA and Canada nationwide and internationally via web sessions and phone conferences (Skype is welcomed). We are working on Brazilian ERP consulting market in Sao Paulo since 2004
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Initial Great Plains Dynamics architecture had three SOP Invoice forms: Long, Short and Blank. Modern GP is popular in scenarios where you have more than three companies under one business entity umbrella