SAP B1 ERP and MRP application could be easily integrated with your Electronic Document Interchange channel, either for outbound (when you are ordering products from your vendors) or inbound (when your customers places their orders in EDI code). This publication is written in technical manner and ideally it should help your with your SAP Business One VAR, consultant, developer, reseller selection. Similar approach could be tried in SB1 integration scenarios.
We will not describe SAP BO SDK programming techniques here and will try to give you highlights on the solution, which doesn’t require additional software licenses cost
1. EDI as fixed length fields format. This is traditional EDI, when you have document header, lines and trailer. All the fields have predetermined fixed length and position
2. EDI as XML. This is new trend, where XML does the same job as fixed length format, mentioned above. If your EDI channel requires XML, you are probably more flexible in the tools and coding methods selection
3. Outbound EDI. You should either research SB1 tables structure, which is described in SAP Business One SDK. Another option is to enable system information in SB: View -> System Information. If it is enabled, open your Purchase Order and place the cursor over the field you want to export in EDI code – in the left bottom corner you should now see the table and the field names. To format your records in fixed field length manner, use CAST or CONVERT SQL clauses. Save your EDI export in the text file – you should consider deploying DTS (Data Transformation) package to extract records and save the file. For XML you have robust support in MS SQL Server 2005 or 2000
4. Inbound EDI. Here we recommend DTW or SAP Business One Data Transfer Workbench. However you do not use here CSV files (also often referred as Excel templates). Here you deploy ODBC source to MS SQL Server. From MS SQL side you should prepare views or SQL stored procedures. Again, deploy DTS package, which will first move your EDI file into SQL staging tables. Then from these tables, use View to prepare the results for Workbench. To avoid linking and configuration problems, in your SQL view – have field names to be the same as in Workbench Excel template for the same object, you are intending to integrate
Dexterity Customization for Dynamics GP Evaluation Level Paper
When you are developer it is always a good idea to read technical manuals. But if you was just assigned to the IT team to decide if Dexterity is the right tool to customize your ERP application then first you need something which is in style of ‘easy reading papers’ or FAQPlanning Dynamics GP Customization in Large Corporation
If you are reading this page then chances are high that you were not able to find ISV add-on and need customization project. Let’s talk about planning, quality assurance and future event such as version updates.Dynamics GP Invoice Logo Attributed to Specific Company or Crossing the Borders of Three SOP Forms
Initial Great Plains Dynamics architecture had three SOP Invoice forms: Long, Short and Blank. Modern GP is popular in scenarios where you have more than three companies under one business entity umbrella