It might be surprising news that large chunk of popular small business accounting packages are sold exclusively regionally within national borders of large countries. SAP B1 is exception and it is available internationally with robust integration technology to SAP in the headquarters.
It is good option for worldwide expansion which allows you to retain financial, accounting and internal audit control over your overseas branches. We have seen scenarios where Business One was deployed and integrated with Dynamics GP on the level of General Ledger entries import via Integration Manager. In this small publication we would like to give you highlights for SAP BO implementation in international environment:
1. Why should we consider something different that we already have implemented in the headquarters? There are several things to think about. First of all in the foreign country people might speak foreign language and it is feasible to hire people with local education and experience. The second reason is sovereign legislation and tax code. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) are typically respected but they are not intruding into taxation practice. In small countries tax code might be simple and you could consider installing accounting software deployed in the United States. But large regional powers usually have sophisticated tax code and it is not recommended to deploy ERP which is not officially localized for the country
2. Unicode standard. Traditionally ASCII standard was based on one byte or eight bits. Latin letters are in the lower register and international characters such as Cyrillic or Arabic are in the upper register. But there are languages based on hieroglyphs where one hundred twenty seven is not enough to encode all the signs. Accounting packages sold on the regional market in the United States do not have to support Unicode but if ERP application is marketed worldwide then Unicode is essential and good example is SAP BO. Let’s now take a look at specific countries
3. Brazil. Business One was introduced here back in 2006 with version 2005B. In time Microsoft Business Solutions was changing its offers from Great Plains to Navision and a bit later to Axapta in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro and across Brazil. SAP with Business One had apparent lower price and implementation simplicity advantages. There is local competition and we would like to mention locally developed package Microsiga. Local firms and branches of multinational corporations were waiting for worldwide ERP brand with reasonable price and advanced functionality and Business One was introduced in the right time and in the right place
4. Russian Federation. This country and its neighbors including Kazakhstan, Belarus and Central Asia are catching up powered by oil and gas export and entering into international consumerism community. Multinational corporations are lured into Moscow offices and establishing distribution networks. There is also trend to acquire mining facilities in Siberia, Altai and Far East. Business One is localized in Russia and this localization is backed directly by SAP office in Moscow. We would like to mention competition from Microsoft Dynamics AX and NAV as well as from local package 1C Accounting
5. China. As we already mentioned above Unicode is supported. Chinese version is available
6. Please call us 1-866-304-3265, 1-269-605-4904, We have local presence in Chicagoland, Southern California, South West Michigan, Houston and Dallas areas of Texas. We serve customers USA and Canada nationwide and internationally via web sessions and phone conferences (Skype is welcomed)
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