Signal Out of Range Problem in Ubuntu

Jul 12


Santanu Majumdar

Santanu Majumdar

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How Can You Solve Signal Out of Range Problem in Ubuntu


Ubuntu is a computer operating system based on the Debian GNU/Linux distribution and is distributed as free and open source software with additional proprietary software available.

It is named after the Southern African ethical principle Ubuntu ("humanity towards others").Ubuntu provides an up-to-date,Signal Out of Range Problem in Ubuntu Articles stable operating system for the average user, with a strong focus on usability and ease of installation. Web statistics suggest that Ubuntu's share of Linux desktop usage is about 50%, and upward trending usage as a web server.

I have downloaded UBUNTU latest version and installed it to my computer, I know that Ubuntu is much better then any other Linux OS. But i have faced many problem while installing ubuntu and also after install. Here is one of my problem which i faced and i found a solution to this which i like to share with you people.If you have installed Ubuntu Then you might face this problem.So here it is:-

The problem is: when i start ubuntu i saw that my monitor showing signal out of range during startup and after some time booting starts,So, I have found solution to this problem.

Here is the simple steps to correct It

Step 1

open console and type

sudo nano/etc/usplash.conf

usplash is where your monitor screen resolution is kept stored.

So edit it and change xres & yres as desired

Step 2

After changing xres & yres as desired, save it and following command

in console. This command actually write this resolution files present in root.

sudo dpkg -reconfigure -phigh usplash

Step 3

Execute the above command.

After executing above command, your problem will solve..

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