Repairing a computer can be very overwhelming at times. It may hamper your work and at the same time make you spend a lot of money. So to avoid such adverse situation there are some tips that you may consider.
Each and every electronic gadget needs regular maintenance of their proper working. Some of such items like the personal computers can go faulty and call for immediate repairing for uninterrupted workflow. But there are some important tips that can keep your computer from malfunctioning very often. Here in below, find those tips and tricks:
Tip 1: It is always better to back up and protect all your important data. You can use a variety of storage devices like external hard drives, USB sticks, CD’s etc. This would help you keep your PC free of excess data and even secure all your significant data.
Tip 2: It is strictly recommended not to remove any peripheral and/ or device from your computer while it is active, because this may lead to a negative influence on either to the connector socket or the motherboard. You can only attempt this action if your peripheral devices are guaranteed to be “hot pluggable”.
Tip 3: The uninterruptible power supply, UPS system is a very helpful accessory for your computer system. This would protect your computer from any damage caused due to an unexpected brownout.
Tip 4: Make sure that you press the power button off only after the Windows shutdown procedure have completed while shutting down your computer. Do not be in a hurry to put off the power as this may incur damage to the hard disc. You can only turn it off with the power switch if your hard disc is not running or your computer is not functioning properly.
Tip 5: Sometimes, you may run the scandisk and the defragment function on your PC just to avoid any potential damage to your hard drive. For this you may purchase a service pack that is available in the stores that have your computer’s brand name.
Tip 6: Installing an antivirus program on your computer is extremely important which would load up every time you turn on your computer to help keep your laptop or desktop protected from potential threats. For a better and optimum protection select a continuous observing antivirus program that is updated automatically.
Tip 7: It is important to maintain at least 300 MB of free space in the hard drive of your system so that it can be used by the Windows Operating System for its proper working. Whereas some other operation systems like Windows XP, Vista, or Windows 7 needs 500 MB free space on your C: Drive.
The unavailability of this empty space in the hard drive may end up causing serious malfunction to your computer, including data loss and deformation. Sometimes this may lead to extreme low speed while doing some task in the computer.
Tip 8: To avoid the desktop and laptop repairs you would also need to check peripheral device’s software discs and keep them in a safe setting, as they enfold useful programs and files for your Windows Version.
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