Split PST File When Archiving Can Not Solve the Problem
All versions of Microsoft Outlook, a popular email client and personal information manager, use PST (Personal Storage Table) files for storing all you...
All versions of Microsoft Outlook,

a popular email client and personal information manager, use PST (Personal Storage Table) files for storing all your valuable emails, tasks, notes, contacts, calendar entries, journal, attachments, appointments, and more. Over time, the size of PST file becomes too large and it decreases the performance of Microsoft Outlook application. At this point, Microsoft Outlook may also crash and face PST file corruption situations. To sort out this behavior and improve performance of Microsoft Outlook application, you need to Split PST File. There are two types of the PST files available in Microsoft Outlook. These are-(1) Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 and Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 use the PST file format, which is able to store the Unicode (standard that represents most alphabets of your computer) data, which does not have any theoretical size limit. However, practically the size limit is 20 GB. (2) Earlier versions of Microsoft Outlook (MS Outlook 2002- MS Outlook 97) use PST file format, which is restricted to the US English and has 2 GB of hard-wired size limit. When a PST file approaches the maximum file size limit or it becomes very large, you face critical problems of data loss and performance loss in Microsoft Outlook. In order to eliminate such situations, Microsoft Outlook facilitates you with the option to archive the PST file. PST File Archiving:Outlook provides you the feature of archiving to make your PST file small and manageable. It also allows you to divide your PST file into more than one individual PST file, which can be accessed normally. The Archived PST file is saved with the name of Archive.pst and can be accessed normally as the original PST file. However, in some situations, the size of PST file can not be minimized with Auto Archive option and you need to Split Large PST File using third-party applications. The applications use advanced mechanisms to effectively Split PST File into smaller PST files, which can be imported into Microsoft Outlook and used individually. The Split PST Software come equipped with interactive and simple graphical user interface, and thus do not demand sound technical skills. They preserve absolute integrity of your mission-critical PST file as they are incorporated with read-only and non-destructive conduct. Stellar Phoenix PST File Splitter enables you to effectively split your PST file of any size. The resulted PST files can directly be imported into Microsoft Outlook and can be used generally. It works well with Microsoft Outlook 2007, 2003, 2002, and 2000.