If you are somewhere in the USA countryside and have to wait your local Microsoft Dynamics GP consultant to drive out onsite several hours (plus you have to pay for the trip and probably slightly reduced consulting rates for the guy to simply drive his car).
Come on,

we are in the XXI century and internet service is available everywhere in USA (if you are really in exotic locations, such as in the mountains of the Colorado, you may take with you your Mifi device to enable internet for the folks around you). If you would like to see the face of your Dynamics GP supporting consultant, it is free, get registered with Skype and you have video conferencing. Corporate ERP remote support is now a reality and it saves your ERP consulting budget money. We are specializing in this business since 2004 and we would like to share with your case studies and concerns areas:
1. Remote Desktop Connection to the server of Great Plains user workstation. This is one of the most common scenarios. You give us VPN credentials to connect to your corporate network, then from there we are remoting to your Dynamics GP Server of Workstation (192 or 10 internal internet IP addresses). In this scenario customer typically emails us the problem and we are connecting and working on the resolution and then email or phone back to report the way out or success
2. Web Session. Such WS providers as Gotomeeting (Citrix) give you the power to share your computer with supporting consultant, where you get the option to call provided conference phone number (often it is not really needed, as we call our Dynamics GP customer direct phone number). We stake on the Web conferencing to expand in the future to move us toward greener economy (where burned gasoline is no longer an option in providing Corporate ERP consulting and day-to-day support)
3. Expanding Dynamics GP support internationally. Here we have to work in the frame of reality. It is absolutely great if your foreign subsidiary located in Canada, Europe, or Mexico, where Internet cables are very close to the magistral (trans Atlantic cable system, Mexico is the gateway to the South America and Portuguese speaking Brazil)
4. Dynamics GP typical problems and support issues. Of course, it is very individual, however we could report you on the patterns. Remote support requests are typically centered around the following issues: Batch Posting limbo, Report Writer creating Sales Invoice form with customer logo, creating new company in Great Plains and copying such features as Chart of Accounts, Customers, Vendors from another one. There are also seasonal requests on Great Plains Dynamics GP version update (current version is 2010/11.0 as we are writing these lines in September 2010)
5. Dynamics GP Customizations and Integrations. One of the reasons for you to pick Great Plains Dynamics might be its openness to modification and integration technologies, such as Microsoft Dexterity, Integration Manager, eConnect, MS Visual Studio SDK, Extender. Popular trend is XML data interchange format, especially in EDI and eCommerce integration scenarios
6. Less cars driving on our highways, more saving to your budgets (Sometimes I am under the impression that at least 25% of the sedans on the highway are consultants, driving to their respected customers). We believe these objectives are good to pursue. There is still room for the negotiation in the sales cycle, technical support is virtually instant and there is the option to pay for your Dynamics GP consultant to fly out to your location, if you feel that it is absolutely required
7. Please call us 1-866-528-0577, or email us help@albaspectrum.com. As we already described we serve you USA , Canada nationwide via web sessions, phone and Skype conferences. Local service in Chicago, Los Angeles, San Diego, Orange County, CA, Western Michigan, Texas (Houston and Dallas metro areas)