Take Back Your Business
Common problems exist in the reseller community today, mainly from partnering with big name software providers. SkyDesktop's new Cloud Channel Partners Program gives control back to the Reseller. With the power to control pricing, apps, and bundling, resellers can finally take back their business and start maximizing profits.
Increase Profits by Becoming a Cloud Solution ResellerIf you’d like to be able to increase your revenue and take back your business,
look no further! In this first part of our blog series, we’ll discuss certain scenarios and consider how SkyDesktop can help you increase your own profits by putting you back in control of your business. Later on we’ll talk more about how you can save time and grow your customer base so your business can become even more successful and well-rounded. If you’re a small business Reseller, you might want to consider changing up your game plan, especially if these following scenarios seem familiar: Control Your PricingScenario #1: You are in the middle of closing a deal with an important customer. He is very excited about the IT solution you are suggesting, but when the talk turns to pricing it turns out that the price your provider has set is too high, so your customer balks and walks away from the deal. There isn’t much you can do. Through your partnership with your provider, you have no control over the price, meaning you can’t adjust it to seal the deal or offer something to your customer in return. Now you’re stuck with the remains of a dead deal with no way to revive it, simply because you have no control. Solution: This problem affects a large group of resellers. Since you have no control over your pricing, you have no control over your negotiations with customers. If they don’t like the prices you are required to offer, how can you close the deal? You can’t adjust prices in order to remain competitive, or offer price breaks and discounts for certain customers. With SkyDesktop, the reseller sets the prices they want to charge. You can mark up or mark down what you would like in order to increase profits or to attract new customers. You are put back in control of your negotiations with the ability to tailor and adjust prices towards what you need – not what your provider needs. Control Your BundlingScenario #2: A client of yours needs billing and invoicing software as well as a scheduling app. Unfortunately the best you can offer him is two very expensive software packages that come preloaded with all sorts of extra software. One has the meeting planner, the other has invoicing along with accounting, and both have plenty of apps that your client doesn’t need and will never use. Your client can’t afford both packages for his business and since they both contain a huge amount of software he doesn’t need, he has to decide which one he needs the most – meaning he’s not getting exactly what he wants or needs. He chooses instead to go with another reseller whose product gives him the customization that yours lacks. You’ve now lost out on a deal that should have been an easy win. Solution: You lost this deal because you can’t control your negotiation. By partnering with SkyDesktop, you’re putting yourself back in control of the products you are selling. No longer do you have to abide by the “take it or leave it” mantra; you can now customize what you sell. Having access to a variety of apps designed to fulfill every small business owner’s wants and needs means you’ve got plenty to pick and choose from to make custom packages for each customer you work with. And, you can make the packages as large or small as necessary. Since you know what your clients need, you’re in a better place to deliver the best apps possible. Control Your MarketScenario #3: You’re on the phone with a customer, describing a fantastic new app that has just been released by your provider. This app would be perfect for your customer! The customer seems excited until he checks his device and realizes he already has this new app. You never saw a payment for this app nor do you remember helping him download it. Then he mentions that he bought the app himself through your partner’s app market, not yours. Once again, you’ve lost out on more money from the sale and what happens if your customer needs support for the app he purchased? Since it’s an app you don’t offer, you’re not trained to support it. If a problem arises, your customer is out of luck and at the mercy of your provider’s support. This could cost you money and your customer in the long run. Solution: This happens more often than you might think. Nothing is stopping a client from purchasing apps on their own, but with a larger provider, if you’re not directly involved in a purchase you often won’t see the money – even if it was something you suggested to your client. With SkyDesktop, you are always paid first and directly from the customer. When they purchase an app, they purchase it from your own app market. You never have to worry about missing out on money from apps purchased by your customers or having to offer support for a product you didn’t offer. ConclusionSo the question is this: who wouldn’t want control in these situations? By becoming a SkyDesktop Cloud solution reseller, you are taking back control of your business. Increasing income and supplying higher quality service to clients are only a few of the benefits. Stay tuned to our upcoming blog posts as we continue to discuss how you can save time and retain your customers – and still come out on top of your game. Curious about checking SkyDesktop out for yourself? Check out theSkyDesktop Channel Partners Programfor more tips and information about how to find your own solution to these problems and more.