Do you have to create a user account and password on the website? Nowadays we have countless accounts, usernames and passwords to maintain. Every single one of those companies has your private information, a password and an email address. At BoxAid, there are no user accounts to create, maintain, or remember. This also means we are not storing your private information or selling your email address to spammers.
There are many companies and services that offer remote computer repair today. This online PC repair service is ideal for the common software problems that affect computers such as viruses, trojans, malware and common Windows errors. Historically if an end user had a virus or software problem with Windows, their primary choice for repair was visiting a traditional brick and mortar store such as Geek Squad or Stapes PC Service Center. This of course involves packing up your computer if you have a desktop and lugging it to the store. Additionally, it means waiting several days before your PC is ready for pick up and no control over who is working on your PC or viewing your valuable data such as private documents or financial data.Today there are a number of options for online tech support that completely removes the need to visit a physical store to get your laptop or desktop fixed. Because of the current state of the economy these online PC repair stores are popping up overnight by the dozens which means a crowded market filled with technical experts and novice technicians. Having plenty of options to choose from is great for competition and means lower PC repair rates for the consumer, but it also means it can be hit or miss when choosing which online PC repair service is right for you. Below are some recommendations when choosing an online tech support company to fix your PC problems. Also check our PC Repair Comparison Page.What country do the technicians reside in?Many companies outsource their technicians to foreign countries such as India so they can hire labor at a fraction of the cost of a technician in the USA. There is certainly nothing wrong with working a company outside the United States but make sure you are aware of where your call is routed and where your money is going. If you prefer using an American company make sure you check the contact page of the website to make sure they are located in the USA and ask your technician as well. If there is a problem with your transaction will you be comfortable calling another country to get it resolved?Does the company offer a professional website?Many times when you can not physically interact with the company you are dealing with, you have to rely on their outward appearance. That means a well designed website that is easy to navigate and answers all your questions before calling. A good website with good content is representative of the PC support company you are calling.Does the company collect your credit card information up front?Do you feel comfortable paying for a service that you have not received yet? If you get your car fixed do you pay the mechanic up front or do you make sure your car is properly working first? Ideally, you want to pay for the service after it is complete and to your satisfaction. At BoxAid we are the ONLY company that does not collect your credit card information until we have completed our work and you are thoroughly happy with the experience.Are there customer testimonials or reviews?Look for onsite customer testimonials as well as using a search engine to find others websites that may have independent company reviews as well. This will reduce the number of fake testimonials that many companies provide to give the illusion that they have many happy customers.How will you be billed?Does the Computer Support Service use a reputable billing system like Paypal? Do they mention who their credit card processor is? Also make sure you find out what name will show up on your credit card statement to determine if they are a third party company that is handling technical calls for someone else. Most importantly is your credit card collected before the call begins or at the end when the service is complete.Does the PC Repair company offer a toll free number?The service should offer a toll free number to make sure there are no surprise charges on your phone bill. If the number is a local number make sure that there will be no additional charges on your phone bill.Does the company offer a Money Back Guarantee?If you are not satisfied with the service or they do not fix your technical support problem will they charge your credit card? If so how hard would it be to get a refund? Ideally, you do not want your credit card to be charged until you are satisfied that your problem has been fixed. In the case of virus removal, will they help you several days later for free if the virus returns, which is very common with viruses today?Does the website offer online chat?If you want to see if the company is right for you make sure you chat with a representative first, before calling in. This way you can get a feel for the quality of the technicians before you call in.How long has the PC Repair company been in business?You can easily check how long the website has been in business or how long they have owned the domain name. There are multiple tools on the Internet that can help you determine the age of a domain name.What kind of remote control tools do they use to connect to your PC?Make sure you ask what kind of tool is being used to connect to your computer. There are many remote control tools that can leave software remnants behind on your machine that may allow a technician to return to your computer while you are unaware. Ask the technician to prove to you that the tool they used has been removed. In addition, make sure that they are using remote control tools that do not require additional components like Java, for example. The less software needed, the better the remote control tool. This is especially true if you are calling about a slow PC. The last thing you want is additional software to slow your PC down even further.Are there any up front charges to look at your PC and determine what is wrong?Many PC repair services will have an analysis charge to determine what is wrong with your PC before they begin any work on it. This charge can sometimes be as high as $70 and if you decide that you don’t want them to fix the problem you have wasted that initial charge and your computer is in the same condition it was when you started.
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Very few investors and sellers know about the thin line between Estate Agents and Realtors. Knowing the difference between both the professionals may elevate your experience of property trading.How to Purchase Property in Feltham and Isleworth, UK?
Buying property in the UK can be done in 3 steps. The first one is finding a property and offering a price. This price offer is not bounded. The offer can be withdrawn if you decide not to buy the house. You can find properties in UK through many letting agents in Feltham and Isleworth.