The Second Dream
There is always a second dream of every person, one can think of getting a new car or if he has less finance’s then he goes for the used cars. The automobiles prices have grown rapidly around the world and taxes on cars have also increased. The cars are designed for the convenience, mass production and for travelling.
There is always a second dream of every person,

one can think of getting a new car or if he has less finance’s then he goes for the used cars. The automobiles prices have grown rapidly around the world and taxes on cars have also increased. The cars are designed for the convenience, mass production and for travelling. The concept of used cars is most common now days, a car is a vehicle that has made life easier and fast. A used car has many retailers further to deal with the buyer. Some car dealers give certificates or warranties. The market consists of large retailers, it has three forms of pricing. There is a dealer trade, retail price and private party price. These are the prices that are expected from the dealer as well asfrom the private party. A private party is the price that is expected from the individual.
Internet is so vast that every single information is there, all the prices of used cars is available. Even there are portals for such used cars that one can buy it easily in short time. The overall price impact of the vehicles on the sector has increased because of the economy crisis. The condition of the used car is very important like its mileage, appearance, mechanical condition, its history. On these entire bases the used car is judged and evaluated before buying from the retailer. There are many concepts of how market decides the prices of the used cars sold by the other parties. The owners sell their problematic cars over the perfect condition running used car to get rid of at a great price. People are more attracted towards used cars because if a new car costs them the same price they prefer to buy the used car at low price. It is estimated that car companies survive because of the fleet sales, they take the responsibility of the maintenance of the car and everything related to its accessories.
Large block of cars are sold and their value remain same for quiet long time otherwise it is assumed that once the car is out of the show room its value goes down. Most cars are designed for the multiple purposes like with four, five, six seats depending upon the structure of the car. Sports cars are designed with two seats and its body is very different from the daily used cars. Every car is designed according to the customers’ needs and demands, they are hatch back, wagon type, luxury cars etc. The demand on used cars stays high, and people avail this opportunity to satisfy themselves and to maintain their status in the society. The cars are also considered to be the status symbol in the society now days, so to meet up that level people go for such cars that are available in their range, according to their pockets. Although automobiles are source of pollution, accidents, social remoteness etc. but a great mode of transportation.