The simplest Method To win Runescape Gold TzHaar Fight Cave
The simplest method to use is the Ranged-only method. The Ranged-only setup involves using only Ranged all the way through to the end.
Many players use Guthan's armour buy runescape gold in the early waves as it helps conserve food,

and it also has reasonable defence. Guthan's armour will at random, during some of your attacks, heal you for the amount of damage you deal. Players would normally use Guthan's until the Yt-MejKots appear, in which the player would then switch to their Ranged setup. However, they could still heal on monsters in later waves to replenish their health when needed. Ideal monsters to heal on are Tz-Kek(level 22), and Tok-Xil.In the later waves with Ket-Zek attacking you, you should run though the Tok-Xil to trap the Yt-MejKots while meleeing the Tok-Xil. Yt-MejKots are also ideal to heal on if you are using a safe spot: this is done by hiding in the safe spot, hitting Yt-Mejkot and running back to the safe spot. It should be noted that when you run back to your safe spot you should wait until its LP bar goes away so it will not attack you. By taking advantage of the high range bonus of the Magic Longbow, a player can equip chest and leg protection that offer very high Defence bonuses. This will allow players to have a range bonus close to that of a Rune Crossbow, but be able to tank most hits from Tok-Xil. In addition, if one does not feel up to luring healers at the boss fight, the added defence will allow them to simply stand there and tank them. Some Players choose to fight Jad using melee. To do this players have to have protect from melee on and switch to protect from range/magic depending on what Jad uses, and then immediately switch back to protect from melee, because his melee attack is too quick, and if he doesn't use melee you just switch again. It is advised to have 90+ Melee stats along with 90+ Constitution when attempting this method. 95+ Prayer is a bonus but it is not needed. 92+ Herblore is a great advantage and will greatly speed up kills.Another strategy used when meleeing is casting the vengeance spell. This is only recommended for higher level players. You attack Jad the same way as normal. but after the claw specs you cast your vengeance spell. When Jad goes to switch from Magic to Melee/Range he will end up killing himself or knocking himself down to under 200 lp. When doing this method it is advised you have 90+ Constitution and keep your life points above 800 at all times.Dragon Defender* - Dragon Defender should not be used as a primary shield. It is a great second choice item to switch too for the easier monsters.Ardougne Cape 4* - Ardougne Cape 4 can be a better option than Soul wars cape depending on what weapon you are using. If using a Rapier, it is highly advised using the ardy 3/4 over a soul wars cape due to the higher 'stab' rating.If you are using overloads you should drink one before entering the caves, thus allowing you to reheal yourself without draining any of your supplies. When you enter the cave you will still have the bonuses of the overload and it will restore any LP that you have lost when it runs out. This Pure method is meant for pures only. Regular players should use one of the above methods instead. If you are a pure and you have a Defence level of 20 or below, playing this activity is very hard and expensive, but not impossible. You will probably have to spend at least one, if not multiple, million coins. It is recommended to study the Fight Cave and many guides before attempting. You will be hit very hard by the level 90s. When the healers appear in the last wave, it is recommended to use the Steel Skin prayer to aid your low Defence against them for a short period of time.