Online drawing tool that provides an environment for diagramming, creating flow charts and free hand drawing: ajaxSketch.
Online drawing tool that provides an environment for diagramming, creating flow charts and free hand drawing: ajaxSketch.
ajaxSketch is a web-based drawing tool that provides an environment for diagramming, creating flow charts, free hand drawing and more. You can perform functions such as resize, rotate, change background or pen colors, and alter opacity directly within your Firefox browser. Once finished with your images, you can easily save your work right to your hard drive. ajaxSketch is free to use and requires Mozilla Firefox.
Graphs and charts generator allows you to input data and display it in a visual fashion: Swivel.
Swivel is a service that lets you explore data and share your insights with others in the form of graphics and charts. Swivel has data about politics, economics, weather, sports, business and more. You just have to upload the information you care about, describe it, pick a color scheme and even add some pictures. If you upload data for the public, Swivel is free; after Swivel finishes its preview period a professional edition of Swivel will be introduced, which will allow you to keep your personal or business data private.
Visual tag cloud generator: ZoomClouds.
Tag clouds are cool, informative, appealing representations about what's happening in your blog, or anywhere else. With ZoomClouds you can generate a visual tag cloud for your site in a matter of minutes. You select the RSS feeds to be used to generate the tag cloud and ZoomClouds does the rest. To achieve its magic ZoomClouds uses both the Yahoo! Content Analysis API as well as a custom ZoomCloud content analysis tool. When you create your cloud, ZoomClouds will go and fetch your RSS feed, and the cloud that you get at that moment is based only on whatever content is in your feed at that time, which usually is the last 10-15 posts. You as a user can control this variable and extend it to a larger time frame.
Online marker lets you put annotations on pictures and share them with others: MapLibMapLib is a service that allows you to upload any images (as large as 6000x6000) and transform them into a custom Google Map in a really simple way. You can add markers and annotations to your pictures and also embed them in your own web pages or blog. Settings for each map include title, description and control for who can add map markers. You can have this set for only you, or you can let visitors to the map annotate the image as well.
Web-based mapping and searching service allows you to view road maps and satellite images: Atlas
Atlas is a web-based mapping and searching service that allows you to view road maps and satellite images. With Atlas you can explore the globe and find what your looking from movies to parking or restauraunts. You can create routes and email directions to your favorite locations to your family and friends. Lowest gas prices and latest traffic conditions are available to registered users.
Wordpress Technology – The Best way to create a Multi purpose Blog
Wordpress is the best tool for Blogging. Moreover it has become popular as Content Management System. As its functionality can be enhanced by using pluggins .Content Management is total content control. With a content management system, or CMS, you can maintain consistency across your site with a few clicks. Whether brand messaging, news, or even look and feel, a CMS makes site wide maintenance simple and quick. But there's more to it than that.RSS Tools for Extra Traffic
The meaning for the acronym, RSS, has been evolving since its inception, is dependent on the version. For instance:- RDF Site Summary is RSS 0.9 and is the original version of RSS.- Rich Site Summary is a prototype and is version RSS 0.91.- Relly Simple Syndication is version RSS 2.0.Smarter Business Intelligence
Decision Technology provides organizations with intuitive, information retrieval software that delivers business intelligence through reporting, data analytics and tight integration with standard business output formats such as Excel, XML and HTML.