Ways for your PC to become slow over time
This article deals with the several reasons why our computers become slow over time.
Computers have become a necessity in our daily life. There are a variety of tasks that we can’t imagine to perform without having our computers at hand. We do our office tasks,

online jobs, online shopping and our data management through this device and at the same time we also spend our leisure time with it’s companionship. It also stores our photo albums and family memories to keep them unforgettable and keeps personal information untouchable. To get the best out of it we always want it to be performing so well that there are no delays in the tasks we do anytime anywhere. But at times it occurs that for some reasons the system seems like it has been exhausted dramatically and we may wonder what the reasons are for having a slow computer.
One of the reasons for having a slow computer is installation of various unnecessary programs and also having too many processes and programs starting up at boot time. Users must remember that Instant messengers or other non-essential programs need not be starting up at boot time. On the other hand, a program that is required by the system at the time of startup is a registered antivirus. One can start working on other programs as the need arises and should not keep the system unnecessarily committed once these are not required at all.
Foremost reason for such a problem is that routine maintenance of your computer has not been performed for a long time, or even hasn’t been performed yet. Computers always need a regular maintenance just like any other electrical device and if such maintenance work has not been performed, the computer is definitely going to get bogged down and will not be running in its optimal performance. Across the world, computer experts suggest that each computer must be run through maintenance check up once every 1-2 months and this can be done by maintenance optimization software that are available almost everywhere.
Another reason for having a slow computer is that your hardware has not been upgraded for a long time and therefore has outdated features and specs. Due to these features, it is impossible for your PC to perform it’s regular functions in a fast and smooth manner. It is out of the inbuilt capacity of the computer to perform better as it is already giving its optimum.
Infections and viruses play a vital role to slow down the system. These viruses occupy various system files and make them useless for the system. Viruses can enter the system through various means. Infected flash drives are the most common means of getting a system infected. If your system is running on LAN, in this case too you are prone to get the system infected from other computer viruses. Internet connectivity is also one of the means of getting the computer infected with viruses.
If you are an internet user and do not run a registered version of antivirus on your computer then you are at a constant risk of getting your system infected through various viruses that could easily be avoided by using a registered antivirus. These spywares will infect your PC and keep on eating up the system performance and render it useless.
There are so many reasons for having a slow computer. There may be different situations arising due to some specific functions by the individuals but as a whole these reasons that have been mentioned above are the root causes of slowing down the computer. Get rid of these and run faster with your computer.