Although the lemonade diet is one of the simplest regimens to follow,

people still have many questions about it. I have gathered the most frequent questions that people ask me in my workplace and from the Internet and I'm listing them below.
Question: Will the weight loss from the lemonade diet be permanent or temporary?
Answer: The weight loss will be temporary for most people because you will lose mostly water and muscle. Usually you will gain the weight back after the diet, unless you follow a special meal plan and exercise program, as the one accompanied with the lemonade diet pill supplement.
Question: Instead of maple syrup can I use honey?
Answer: No. You must use Grade B Maple Syrup because of its vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, insoluble fiber and manganese.
Question: How much concoction shall I drink per day?
Answer: You must drink at least 6-10 cups per day (at least 60 oz)
Question: Is it better to start a pre-diet period before the master cleanse (lemonade diet) or shall I jump right into the lemonade diet immediately without preparation?
Answer: It is suggested that you do a three day “pre-diet” before starting the lemonade diet. At Day 1 of the pre-diet consume only vegetables and fruits. At Day 2 and 3 drink only fruit and vegetable juices, green smoothies and soups.
Question: Can I use bottled lemonade juice from the store instead of squeezing my own lemons?
Answer: No. Bottled lemonade juice either has sugar in it or preservatives.
Question: Why are the laxative and water flush needed?
Answer: You NEED to have a clean intestine after the first couple of days otherwise the toxins may leach into your system. As your system cleans itself from the toxins and the waste, you need a way to flush out the solid matter from the digestive tract. The laxative and salt water flush will help you for this.
Question: Do I need to use both the salt water flush and the laxative tea?
Answer: You can use both the laxative and salt water flush or one of them each day. However the salt water flush is more effective in eliminating the solid waste from your system
Question: What kind of salt shall I use for the salted water flush?
Answer: Do NOT use table salt. Use pure sea salt (non-iodized salt).