Why Parental Protection on the Internet is Necessary?

Nov 2


Robin Milton

Robin Milton

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The Internet has proven to be one of the best weapons that science has given to humankind.


Children can learn alot from the internet as it covers a huge topics and informations regarding almost everything. From learning of primary rhymes to chemical substances,Why Parental Protection on the Internet is Necessary? Articles every information is available on the internet for kids. As we know, children are innocent and can divert from their path very easily. Many people took advantage of this and target the innocent kids. For example, In U.S., Internet crime rate is increasing rapidly. 10 to 17 years age group children are the main target of the crime. These group's children suffer from mental as well as physical pressure and under this pressure can perform any sort of crime. But, for these crimes only child is not responsible. As parents, it is your duty to supervise our child. If the child is getting some emails or videos from a stranger or a group of strangers then you should know about your child's internet life. During a survey, it is found that almost 62% of parents know something or nothing about the websites that their children regularly visit. Besides this, 75% of parents stop supervising their children at age of 14. We very well know that children spend a lot of time on the internet. You must know what your child is downloading, what type of emails he/she received, who are their social site friends and much more things. Now, your statement will be something like “I am busy in managing home and office. Daily supervision and 24/7 supervision is not possible for me.” Then, science also offer parental protection softwares that keeps a regular checkup on your child's internet activity. Moreover, Many companies offer parental protection services on smartphones, PCs, tablets and even iPads. Parental protection services filters all the data from the internet that is not necessary for your child.The Use of parental protection can minimize the danger of the internet harassment but fully rely upon it is not a wise decision. You have to talk to your kid about Pros and Cons of the Internet. By giving general information about the internet is also very helpful. Make some rules and be sure that your child will obey them. Also, Be lenient about your child's needs and curiosity.Your child's safety and security are in your hands. At every step, pay attention towards your child activity and  guide him as a friend. Listen to your child and be friendly with him so that your kid can freely discuss his/her problem with you.