5 Ways To Make Up With Your Ex And Work Your Relationship Out
So, you and your girl had a big row and now she wants out. But you want to make nice and keep the relationship you have. If she's the one who drew the...
you and your girl had a big row and now she wants out. But you want to make nice and keep the relationship you have. If she's the one who drew the line, that may be a bit difficult. As you read on, you'll find ways to get her back in your arms.
Make Up With Ex Technique #1: First, you need to assure her that you agree with the need to be apart. Start by telling her that she's probably right, that you should be apart for a while. This may seem odd, because you don't want to lose her, but this has to be your first step. First, she'll be surprised. This also lets her know that anger is going nowhere and that it's better for each of you to be alone for awhile.
Make Up With Ex Technique #2: Next, you need to be earnest about putting some distance between the two of you. Make the space between you two real. No emailing, no postal notes, no phone calls, no anything. This will allow you both some time to gather your thoughts and also it will help her to start missing you. Of course, this will be tough on you, as well. But hold yourself back. This will give you some allowance to take the important next step.
Make Up With Ex Technique #3: Your next step, if you want your girl back, is to go down a self-improvement path. Don't worry about doing things too drastic. Just do some things that you know would make you a better guy anyway. You could go shopping for a wardrobe update. Join a gym. Get a different haircut. Look for a new position or promotion at work. Perhaps there's something about your personality that needs a little smoothing, ask your friends and family about that. As you start to make yourself better, she'll notice, too. She'll like what she sees happening.
Make Up With Ex Technique #4: Your next move is very important - renew your friendship. Ask her to drop by for coffee. Meet her for lunch. Keep it simple. Your ex will probably be pleased to see you and look with interest at your new look or your new attitude. A good idea would be to talk about the good old days you had together. Be attentive if she wants to share some problems or ideas. If all goes well, this will help her see you in a different way and probably arouse some of the past feelings she had for you.
Make Up With Ex Technique #5: After you've rekindled the friendship, it's time to ask her out on a real date. Let her know that you want her back in your life, but that it needs some time to happen. By letting her know that she's under no quick pressure, she'll be a lot more willing to go along. Often, a little bit of trouble can turn into a whole lot of happiness. You may both find yourselves much better for each other than before.
You both need to realize that even the most famous lovers were not always perfect together. After all, the happy ending doesn't come until the dragon is slain. Troubles often strengthen relationships.