7 Tips To Be The Ideal Woman Every Man Loves
how some people have a happy romantic love life? Are they more beautiful and sexy? Are they richer? Or Is it only because they are lucky that they have found their soul mate?
how some people have a happy romantic love life? Is it only because they are lucky that they have found their soul mate? No,
In my opinion That is because they know how to make their partner happy and satisfied all the time. There are some general things that men like about women that you need to know if you want to make a successful relationship. 1. LoveAlthough there are different things that make men happy, but one thing that all men really want is love. Every one of us wants to be loved but for men it is different because they can experience love only from their mom when they are little and their partner later as an adult. Women can love their close friend, their sister, their dog and their boyfriend at the same time, but men are not able to love like women. they can only love one person truly at the time, So that person should give them the love. As long as you give the love in your heart to your man he will be yours for ever. 2. A woman with a golden heartMost women are selfish on good days and plain malevolent on bad ones, so why any man would let himself get tempted by someone who has bad intentions? Most of men are looking to get involved for the long haul, a kind woman with a heart of gold will nurture them and offer the compassion, sincerity, warmth, and affection they need to make it to the top.You may not be able to be a 100% ideal girl but you can try your best to get close, and if you reach there you will see they have competitions on getting your attention.3. Ambition and driveMen like a woman who will challenge their thoughts, stir up their emotions positively and give them a run for their money. Challenges start at home and end on fields, boardrooms and life, so they will make sure that they find their match, because they believe practice does make them perfect.Yes, They want someone who makes them feel perfect!4. Intelligence and confidencePrevious generations probably didn't like a smart woman to be their partner, and this did not please feminists. Many men did not want an overly smart woman, maybe because they used to think it would be too hard to tame and control her. After all, men feared that women could become unstable and make demands (oh no...)now, I like to think that men have matured a bit and now see the value in having a valuable ally as a partner. A housewife, mother and maid is not all that men are looking for. They like someone who will learn from them as much as they will learn from her, a confident woman that make powerhouse couple with them.5. Sense of humorThis will forever remain a higher rank for any man. Most of men work hard, they put up with a lot, and they need a woman who will put a smile on their faces when things are gloomy, and make them laugh when things are down.Men are usually easy going and cool. They make us smile when we cry. You can rarely find a man who cries with his girlfriend when she is sad. I like it when they make us laugh with their stories about the stupid things they had done last weekend, or how their dog has eaten their keys this morning and they had to walk all the way to work. They laugh at these things! Isn't it amazing? If it happens to a woman, i am sure she will become mad and it will effect on all her job that day. They know we like it when they make us laugh with their stories. Being able to make us laugh is good for their egos, but if they also get a smile on their faces is the best tonic possible.6. A beautiful faceThis one will stand the test of time. A pretty face can get away with bad behavior. While this should not be the top characteristic, it is helpful to admit that men must find a woman who will please their eyes and excite their everything else.You need to pass a physical to be the best you can be!7. CharmCharm is what draws men to those women who are not as good-looking as the others. Charm is what pulls men back to women even after they burn us. If a woman can make them smile with the power of her charm, then she has the charm to get out of any situation and will prove to become quite an ally.
Men want women who areromantic and lovely also smart and funny. Some one who surprise them on their birthday with a birthday love poem. Some one to tell them: I miss you, when they are not around. Some one strong and caring who puts a supporting hand on their shoulder, when tough times come means a world to the man.