Approaching Women and Starting Conversations - 4 Magical Tips To Mammoth Attraction
Approaching women and starting conversations is not a talent only available to men who have Brad Pitt good looks, charm and bank account. Average looking guys and even below average looking men also posses the ability to meet beautiful women too. You just have to realize how to go about the approach and I will present for you a few tips to get you going.
Approaching women and starting conversations is not a talent only available to guys who have Brad Pitt good looks,
charm and bank account. Average looking guys and even below average looking men also posses the ability to meet beautiful women too. You just have to realize how to go about the approach and I will illustrate for you a few tips to get you going.
1. Mind-set is Everything: You need to portray an air of confidence. This sends out subliminal messages that makes a woman take notice and desire to open up to find out who this confident man is and why he is so confident. Women are drawn to and love to hang out with poised men. So don't check your ego at the door here but do not go overboard either, have balance.
2. Have Something Ready: Pick up lines get a bad rap because they are used the wrong way and at the wrong time. If you have a small amount of openers prepared you wont freeze up when its show time. You don't want to use something tacky so I recommend a question opener that will get her talking something like "Hey whats your thoughts on.... or Hey whats your opinion on...." this is non threatening and engaging and if you get this right your in.
3. Get Your Stories Together: A dirty little technique when approaching women and starting conversations is having prepared stories to tell. These stories do not have to be about you they can be about anyone or any social situation or worldly view but have them prepared to tell. A man who can keep a woman's attention with interesting stories wins. Stay on top of the daily gossip and entertainment blogs even magazines for women to get topics to create stories around.
4. Exhibit High Social Prominence: This will attract more women to you more than anything else and allow you to initiate conversations effortlessly. Be the life of the party. Be confident, witty, intelligent and commanding and people will defer to you and all the women will take notice and want to start and be involved in conversations with YOU. Show people your someone who demands attention but don't push it to jerk level.
Approaching women and starting conversations are effortless when you apply these simple rules. Go be social.