Four Secret Techniques For Using Jealousy To Win Back Your Ex?
This is dangerous stuff - you should use it only if you're serious. But if you've suffered the heartache of a breakup with the woman you really love, you can get her back by using these four secrets. Just as some martial arts teach you to use your opponent's weight and even strength against him, so these strategies identify a woman's chief weakness - jealousy - and teach you to use it to your advantage. Patience is one key to making these techniques work - sincerity is the other. You cannot expect anything to happen overnight, and you cannot be doing this just to get back at her - she'll sense your insincerity and run like a scared rabbit!
This is dangerous stuff - you should use it only if you're serious. But if you've suffered the heartache of a breakup with the woman you really love,
you can get her back by using these four secrets. Just as some martial arts teach you to use your opponent's weight and even strength against him, so these strategies identify a woman's chief weakness - jealousy - and teach you to use it to your advantage. Patience is one key to making these techniques work - sincerity is the other. You cannot expect anything to happen overnight, and you cannot be doing this just to get back at her - she'll sense your insincerity and run like a scared rabbit!
Secret One: She's right
This first technique you can actually apply before she breaks up with you, when you know it's coming. Now, you don't want to break up, but you've got to act as if you accept her arguments and logic - as if you've been feeling and thinking the same things. What you've done is use her power against her, throwing her off-balance. She's expecting you to fight, argue, beg, grovel - anything to stay together. Instead, you agree with her and let her know she's taking the right course of action. Your job now, no matter how much you want to remain a couple, is agree with her so much that she really believes you. The more you love her the harder it is, but in the end, your little deception will be worth it.
Secret Two: A breakup is a breakup - have nothing to do with her
Now's the time when she'll start considering what happened, and you need to keep away from her while she's doing that. You threw her off-balance with Secret One - now throw her off-guard with Secret Two. Women expect men to telephone them after a breakup. It happens a great deal. It usually doesn't lead to making up, and it usually helps a woman feel less guilty about what she's done. Don't fall into that trap - keep her guessing!
Now's the time for another grand acting job. No matter how unhappy or disappointed you might be, act as if you feel spectacular, you've gotten over the breakup and you're moving on with your life. Word will get back to her how well you're doing. This Third Secret also knocks her off-balance. Women expect men to be depressed and sorrowful after a breakup - so don't fulfill her expectation! Take more interest in your appearance - work out, get in better shape, get some nice new clothes - whatever it takes to make it clear your appearance is suddenly important to you. Most women interpret that to mean that you're seeing someone.
Secret Four: Let her see that other women are attracted to you
Don't just give the look of seeing other women, actually do it! If you'd really prefer not to, that's okay, but you must spend time with women, even if you're just talking or having coffee together. Take the time to flirt or make a pass if the opportunity presents itself. If possible get flirtatious with one of her close friends. She would not be able to handle this and would get extremely jealous. Believe it or not, when you apply these four techniques carefully, you stand an excellent chance of getting your ex-girlfriend back. Your secret strategies of keeping her constantly off-balance and then making her jealous was intended to make her think she made a mistake in dumping you. It won't be long before she calls you - whatever she says, she's really thinking about getting back together, and you're back in control!