The reason that guys need dating tips is that they only think that they have all the answers when it comes to dating a woman for the first time, but the truth of the matter after interviewing a cross section of women they revealed the main reasons why they won’t go out a second time with a guy. The reasons given will shock and embarrass a lot of readers.
The reason that guys need dating tips is that they only think that they have all the answers when it comes to dating a woman for the first time, but the truth of the matter after interviewing a cross section of women they revealed the main reasons why they won’t go out a second time with a guy. The reasons given will shock and embarrass a lot of readers.
The top reasons why women won’t date a person for a 2nd date is:
1. Personal hygiene issues, one lady in particular stated she liked the look of a guy from a distance and when he opened he’s mouth to speak he’s breathe would make onions weep! Regardless how charming the person is she wrote him off for any possible future dates on this reason alone.
2. Another story from a woman stated within the first 5 minutes of meeting this guy he started to bemoan an ex girlfriend revealing the most intimate details of why the relationship ended. For the next full 30 minutes this guy was talking solely on what was wrong with her and then broke down crying. The woman excused herself to go to the bathroom and never returned to the seat.
3. Boring was listed close to the top of the list. Well meaning friends invited a guy to dinner and at first glance mentally he got all the ticks. After the usual what do you do where do you work questions passed. He then took the floor the whole night regaling stories of 10 years ago, you know the stories I am talking about those ones that were only funny if you were there at the time and could see the funny side. I can tell you now by the look around the table everyone felt the same way as me BORED.
Ok guys this message comes in loud and strong of what is a turn off by women in general what you need to do is to be yourself, take care of your personal grooming before leaving home as it will be noticed. Leave the stories of years ago to regale with people who were actually there at the time and see the funny side of the incident.
What you need to do to get brownie points on your first date to ensure that there is a next time is to not to talk about you and your feats all the night. Have a few questions in mind to keep the conversation flowing make the questions interesting and framed around her. The questions should come across not as a interrogation though as this will be off putting and she could feel threatened with asking too much information too soon. These are only a few tips of why guys do need dating tips for more information please visit my website.
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