The reasons behind the break up don't matter, all relationships that end have either one or both of the people involved needing space from the relationship. The time apart can be used to explore anything. You can do anything from experiencing life as a single person, dating other people, to contemplating about your life and where it's going. Really you can do anything with that time apart. If you're the one that got dumped, then your partner just needed to step back and reevaluate the situation and see what their options are.
Breakups are difficult, they can be very painful and devastating. Below are some pointers I've learned throughout the years that had helped me move on, get closure or even give the relationship a second go.
The reasons behind the split up don't matter, all relationships that end have either one or both of the people involved needing space from the relationship. Use your time apart as chance to learn many things. You could use the time apart as a chance to date other people, try life as a single person, reevaluate your goals and your life. You could do anything with that time apart. The reason your partner dumped you is because they need some time to step back from the relationship and reflect on what they want.
My advice to you if you got dumped, is give your partner some space. Its natural for them to push you away if you don't give them the space they need. They need space and if you keep calling or texting, they will take that as a sign you aren't willing to give them the space they desperately need. You will still have to give them the space they want even if you just want to stay in contact to maintain a friendship or as a way to eventually get back together. Being able to understand this, will allow you to give them the right amount of space they need easily.
The advice I give my friends when they are going through this is to take two weeks to about a month to stop contacting their ex. This step is the hardest part. I know it's not going to be easy to stop yourself from contacting him.
Giving him space will work in your favor because your ex will have time to miss you. I promise that you will be on his mind while you are giving him the breathing room he needs. All those fun times, sweet moments,cherished memories will be on his mind while you guys are apart. That popular saying is true, "absence makes the heart grow fonder."
You can also benefit from the "no contact" rule too. Use the time to take a deep breath and heal yourself from hurt and pain that comes with a fresh break up. It can also give you time to think about whether this relationship is worth saving. You can use this time to explore new things and meet some interesting people too. You might find yourself a better person when your not in that relationship.
Who knows, maybe he will reach out to you at this time. This might feel like a miracle if you feel like you've done all you can to get him back before.
So remember, if you are dumped, take my advice and give your ex a few weeks of space and see what happens next. These next few weeks might be excruciating but I assure you doing this will improve your situation.
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