Nine Teenage Relationships Tips

Apr 23




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During the teenage relationships, both partners hardly know each other. It is surprisingly that some don’t even prolong their courtship so as to get to know each other better. There is a guideline on how to solve problems that arises.

Was your teenage relationships ruined? What was the cause? You didn’t like your boyfriend or girlfriend behavior? Your heart was broken? Did you learn any valuable lessons? Of course,Nine Teenage Relationships Tips Articles you can’t fall in love with people without learning anything after they walk away breaking your heart. But what came about after all the sweet words of love you used to say to each other?

Did not both of you say “I love you forever and my love for you will not be shaken at all?” Don’t deny this! At least you said something related to this. Yes, you had agreed that your problems are hers and her problems are yours. But see how you kept your distance when she critically needed you to be on her side. From that day, the curse of knowing each other lingers in her mind.

Teenage relationships may be stressful if especially there are some bad habits practiced by any partner. For example; flirting, nagging, blaming, lying, jealousy and lack of communication.

Nine Tips of Solving Teenage Relationships Problems

1. Start the problem reconciliation process without waiting longer by hoping that the problem disappears as time goes by. Let no partner say, “We will talk later.” That is a sign of escapism.

2. During the problem solving process, both partners are equal. No one should dominate the other by way of out talking or out thinking.

3. If there are many problems, both of you should handle one at a time. Handling all of them at a go may be tedious and lead to improper solutions.

4. Both of you should be able to put in each other’s feelings. This helps in having a deeper understanding of the problem hence arriving at suitable solution.

5. There should be no blames when solving your teenage relationships problem. Both of you are affected thus the objective is to find a solution and not who caused the problem.

6. Don’t attack your partner but instead attack the problem. Attacking your partner instead of the problem may create more problems or even end up with no solution at all.

7. Did Jesus of Nazareth say that we forgive seventy times seven? Refer this by opening the book of Matthew, chapter eighteen, verses fifteen up to twenty two in the bible. In short, spiritual engagement is another way of solving your teenage relationships problem.

8. After arriving at a solution for your problems and fully agreed on them, then both of you should forgive each other completely. Forgiving is when you accept your partner after doing something which is unacceptable. Don’t ever mention about the solved problem again as this refreshes the healed wounds.

9. There should be no conditional forgiveness. In this case, both of you need each other’s forgiveness and not conditions.

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