According to health professionals, online dating dependency is something that has been growing annually for at least the past ten years. Humankind has an insatiable appetite for finding companionship or romance. With a shrinking global economy and shrinking disposable incomes, online dating sites are a very attractive, inexpensive alternative compared to conventional dating options hence fueling this obsession.
* Do you find yourself spending hours day and night surfing dating sites?
* And has your offline social life been replaced with the Internet?
* Do you find yourself obsessively thinking about going online even when you are offline?
* As the weeks and months pass, have you been spending increasing amounts of time on the computer in priority to responsibilities such as maintaining ties with your family or job?
* Do you get low-spirited or temperamental when you cannot sign into your preferred online dating sites?
* Are you spending more and more time everyday using paid or free dating sites and are becoming less satisfied?
* Do you feel the need to lie about the amount of time you spend dating online?
Perhaps it's time to get things back into perspective. There's no need to "give up" online dating in the same "cold turkey" manner as drugs or smoking. Overcoming an online obsession is about restoring balance. Absolutely force yourself to start some type of daily routine that does not involve the Internet. Go to the gym, learn a musical instrument, join the tennis club - get out of the house!
It is too easy to develop a habit of checking your dating site for new messages or opportunities. What starts out as a quick exercise has the potential to become hours of sending and replying to new or existing messages, or you can so easily get side tracked in the chat rooms.
People hooked on online dating should prioritize their lives and make room for more stern time lines when they are on the Internet and admit to themselves when usage is increasing to an unhealthy level. Decide what it is you want, is it just sex and casual dating, or are you looking to find a husband or wife? Don't consume your valuable time nattering to other people just for the sake of it.
There has been significant research indicating that less is more with online dating sites. Knowing when to move on to the next person and being very selective with whom you communicate with will not only improve your strike rate significantly, but will allow you to live a normal healthy life away from the internet.
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