The richer get poorer and the poorer get richer.
America is still fighting to regain their wealth. Many people who worked on small budgets before are not feeling the pinch.
There are two main types of people in this world – those that have money and those that do not. Each of these types of people has their own ideas to get them by. Wealthier people typically enjoy the finer things in life,
save minimally because they expect to always have a job and money and overspend on wants instead of needs. These are the millions of Americans that are feeling the economic pinch crushing down around them. Associated Press reports that it was barely possible for people to keep their head above water during the most recent quarter.
However, the song is much different for those families that work on a paycheck to paycheck lifestyle. These families are known to budget everything and save more money than those who earn 10x their pay. For these people, a job that pays, vehicles that run and a home that is affordable take precedent over lavish luxuries of the upper class. This section of middle class America may be feeling the pinch during an economic crisis, but they are pedaling on in true American fashion to rise against the odds. With reports of billions of dollars in foreclosure and credit card debt, most of these people are thankful that they choose to live below their means on the simple grid.
For everyone else, how do you start rebuilding your wealth when there is nothing but negative news surrounding the Real Estate and employment market place? It is time to shave some expenses from the household budget. Whether it is making meals at home instead of eating out or watching television online for free instead of spending money on an exuberant cable bill, the few hundred dollars a family can eliminate will help them feel more secure and less stressed during this crisis.