What Qualities Women Want In A Man?
After a breakup, you’re just very emotionally charged, depressed, sad, overwhelmed, wishing with all your soul together. But at some point, before focusing 100% on get your ex boyfriend back and you have to look at the relationship objectively...
After a breakup,
you’re just very emotionally charged, depressed, sad, overwhelmed, wishing with all your soul together. But at some point, before focusing 100% on get your ex boyfriend back and you have to look at the relationship objectively, then decide if getting back together is the best for you.Then you should look for in a man?First, be objective means truth or real individual, without prejudices, feelings, no compassion or emotion. In other words, not to see everything through the eyes of love.Consider these 10 qualities that most women want in a man.Honesty – Sure, if you ask women in a group, or in a social setting, what they want, it is more than likely tell you the things I noticed first – that is hot, that fit, well groomed, safe, drive a nice car, etc …But what really women want in a man, after the initial shock passage, is more related to the character. That initial aura remain, depending on the woman, while other fades.Just the opposite, these aspects are turn-offs – the lack of hygiene, men with high egos, chauvinists and men who do not respect, regardless of their position in life.1. Honesty is everything.How often women are burned by guys pretending to be someone or something they are not? Honesty (and confidence) is very fragile. All you need to do is catch him in a lie once and continually ask you about your honesty. Honesty has a lot to do with loyalty.2. Intelligence.They are able to verbalize what they are thinking or feeling is very important. Titled intelligence is communication – This is one of the most important elements of a relationship. And listening is an important part of communication, and that truth is a big problem in many relationships today.3. The purpose in LifeSomeone who is motivated, in motion, with ambition and goals, working hard. It is a great advantage if are passionate about their careers.4. Sense of humorLife makes us live a lot of things every day. Thus we all need to laugh. This does not include juvenile pranks or jokes ofcourse raw.5. SecurityYou definitely have to know that you can have your man through thick and thin, the security is very important in a relationship.6. ChivalryA guy who goes beyond making a woman feel special is a royal prince. Opening the car door for her to go up, washing the car, doing an errand, fix things, give her flowers just because, get help when needed. Chivalry is vital.7. Financial StabilityThis definitely is about being a responsible man, living within your means.8. The values relatedIt is very comforting to have the same interests and feelings in matters of family, money, sex, religion, politics, and leisure activities,9. RespectShe wants nothing less than to be treated with respect. If you are a man you have a habit of treating you with respect? The harmful comments have no place in a relationship. This also includes knowing how to respect their space and their friends,10. The romance.And last but not least important. Your ex was romantic? Your ex never brought you flowers? Found a perfect poem or not so perfect and put it on your Facebook page or I give in person?Depending on your neighborhood, I invite you to take a walk in the light of the moon? I’ll buy some underwear? Fix a weekend for two?You know
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