Namesake Domains: Why Your Baby Needs One - Now!
Baby domain names are a booming trend. If you are a parent or planning to become one, you need to act quickly to claim a namesake Internet URL (for example, for your kid.
Your baby's domain name can later become your child’s homepage,

business website, blog or a celebrity resource. With the ever-growing role of Internet in our lives and the huge number of domain names registered every day, it’s important to act now in order to claim your child’s online identity. Why would your child need a domain name in the first place? A namesake domain is the most logical place for his or her homepage or blog, which is a must these days. The domain can also host your child’s business website. And if your kid becomes a national celebrity (which he or she certainly can!), you won’t have to pay thousands of dollars to get the domain name back from speculators. This brings us to our next point. With 500,000+ (that’s five hundred thousand) Internet domain names registered every single day, these pieces of precious Internet real estate are going away FAST. It’s not uncommon for domain speculators to snatch a baby domain name and then resell it to its parents for anywhere from $50 to $10,000. Consider Britney Spears: speculators registered her son’s domain name before she even could. The growing scarcity of baby domain names even makes some parents choose their babies’ first and middle names based on the URL availability! For example, if you are undecided between Josh and Jake for your son, the fact that is available (and is not) may be a serious factor to influence your decision! Given the above facts, it’s clear that you need to act fast in securing an Internet address for your baby. An Internet name is a central piece of any online identity and will be the perfect place for your child’s homepage or business site. With thousands of domains names registered every day (many by speculators aiming to resell them later), it’s important to snatch a domain for your baby fast. And for less than $10 per domain, how wrong can you be?