This article is about a book, A brief history of time. The speed of light is constant but the speed of light is not relative to other things. Albert Einstein started the theory of relativity. Theory of relativity states that speed is the same and constant.
In our lives, we are interested in knowing as to how the universe works. It is a very interesting question to which we all need answers. A star falling from the sky, a scary night, dark atmosphere, gloomy days etc. All these things play a very important role in our life. It is related to time. We will get answers to everything related to all this in A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking. How does time work? Does it work etc? It will answer all of our Why's and How's. A lot of laws were given by different scientists. Newton's third law said that force is double the mass. People objected that this thing doesn’t happen as how can one thing be proportionate to others.
To prove this fact Albert Einstein tried proving a point. He proved that time is not fixed. Newton's theory had a problem that the speed of light cannot stay relative. So the scientists decided to update the model. Theory of relativity means that laws of science are the same for everyone. It says time is relative. It stated that time will be measured according to travelling speed. One of the examples of this is that a person is travelling closer to light and another opposite to light so the speed of light will be the same. There will be different times for the event.
Time is relative
Both of them will travel at different times. Because time is distance divided by speed. Speed of light is the same but the distance is different and time is relative. The time was different for both the observers. So it proves time is relative and both the people were right in their perspectives. Everything is made up of particles. Scientists want to study them and their speed. Particles follow the principle of uncertainty in the 1920s. As the more you try to study them the more uncertain they become. They also tried studying quantum states which combine many possible positions of particles and speed them up. A Brief History of Time explains everything about it.
Since they cannot pinpoint a particular thing they looked at all the places they take. Scientists then considered the moving particles as waves. Interference means different positions when waves occur and when they don't. Gravity is the reason for this. You can describe the universe in three ways height, width and depth. Time is the fourth dimension. An amazing consequence is space and time combined that changed a conception of gravity. Gravity is related to space-time. If a thing is under a blanket the object moves with space and time.
Black hole
Also, one thing follows the other like orange and marble placed under the blanket follows each other. When a star collapses with a mass black hole is created. Stars need a lot of energy to produce heat and light but eventually die because energy is finished. Everything is pulled towards the singularity. Black hole absorbs everything but how do we know it is there. Scientists predict that stars can be black holes or waves can be a black hole. We can put a lot of theories to bring new light to this topic, which can be found in A Brief History of Time.
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