The annual 12 Days of Christmas giveaway often overwhelms visitors with the number of quality gifts. This simple 10-step plan takes the pain out of the gifts and turns them into profitable tools.
The gifts for the annual 12 Days of Christmas giveaway are being loaded. There is an air of anticipation in the air. After all, this is original multiple contributor giveaway program, originated by Mark Hendricks more than five years ago.
For 12 days in a row you'll be presented with a growing list of quality internet marketing gifts, designed to help you grow your business. How best to take advantage of this plethora of riches?
Here are ten steps to maximize your investment of time.
1. First, create a new 12days folder to hold all of your goodies. You can create it on the desktop or in your My Documents folder. Just remember where you put it. You'll be using it a lot in the next few days!
2. Next print the list of gifts. Just use the File, Print command in your browser. You'll use this list to check off those offers that you have already completed.
3. Now save that same page in your new folder (File, Save as...) You'll use this in the future when you come back to this folder. It makes it easier and faster to find a specific item again.
4. Now you're ready to start picking up your gifts. Follow each link. Some will ask you to fill out a short form before you get to the download page. Go ahead and do that. Then download the gifts into your special 12days folder.
5. Many of the newsletters and special offers will ask you to confirm your email address. Do that as the emails arrive. It only takes a minute.
6. Check your junk mail folder once a day for the next week. If your email service doesn't recognize your new friend's email address, it may put it into the junk folder. So just open and make sure you're not missing anything.
7. Over the next couple of weeks you will receive an increased volume of email. If you don't have time to deal with all of it as it arrives, set up a new folder in your email program and put all of the newsletters into that folder.
8. At least once a day, read one or two of the new subscriptions you're receiving. There is some *great* information in there, so you'll definitely want to take advantage of it.
9. Never be afraid to unsubscribe to a series. We are all short of time. If a series is not relevant to you within the first couple weeks, stop it for now. You can always pick it up later.
10. Communicate with those who offered the 12days gifts. We are all glad to answer questions about our products and services. And we've all been in your shoes - at whatever stage you find yourself. Know that we are fellow online business owners and welcome your ideas, comments and suggestions.
May your holidays be joyous and the new year more prosperous for your participation in the 12 Days of Christmas.
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