If you are just starting a web page then the best way to generate traffic to your web site is to do it for free. You need to take advantage of the free ways to bring the business your way. Free is easy to do. If you do it right then your business will succeed. Enlist your family, friends and acquaintances to help you. After that, get people you don't know to help out.
If you are just starting a web page then the best way to generate traffic to your web site is to do it for free. You need to take advantage of the free ways to bring the business your way. Free is easy to do. If you do it right then your business will succeed.
Enlist your family, friends and acquaintances to help you. After that, get people you don't know to help out. Strangers will be assisting you more than you know. These strangers won't know they are helping you. But they will be.
E-mail your website address to your family and friends. Ask your acquaintances first before doing this, they will appreciate it. Ask them all to help you promote your web site by sending your web site address to their family and friends. This will end up like a MLM (multi level marketing.) strategy. Your mom sends it to twenty five friends and these friends each send it to five friends. So on and so on. You have just generated a possible one hundred hits to your site. Even more traffic if your web site is interesting to the public or to the niche you are trying to reach.
You have strangers assisting you with the help of your mom and other family members and your friends. Another way to get the help of strangers is by having a newsletter on your web site. Make the newsletter interesting and full of fun and factual information in regards to the main goal of your web page. Word of mouth (or word of e-mail) will get out about your great newsletter. Who knows how many hundreds or thousands of hits this could generate. Throw in a link to a freebie that is associated with your websites business. People love freebies. The masses will flock to your newsletter to see what new freebie you will surprise them with.
Another way to get the help of strangers is by having a blog. By having a blog other bloggers will find you. Bloggers like to find others who blog about the same interests. They will promote your blog on their blog. This will bring about more traffic to your site. The more you write the more interest you will bring about.
Using free web site traffic strategies is not hard at all to do. Do the best you can and you will succeed.
8 Ways to Accumulate Free and Easy Website Traffic
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