The written word plays a pivotal role on the internet. Pretty much any type of website marketing will involve some type of written content that needs to produced on a regular basis. As a business owner, you may wonder if online marketing is only for people who are great writers who are disciplined enough to write on a consistent basis. Actually, you can still do very effective website marketing, even if you can't write a word!
The written word plays a pivotal role on the internet. Pretty much any type of marketing you can do for your website will involve some type of written content that needs to produced on a regular basis. As a business owner, you may wonder if online marketing is only for people who are great writers who are disciplined enough to write on a consistent basis.
Actually, you can still do very effective website marketing, even if you can't write a word! How, you ask? All you need to do is outsource your content creation.
Outsourcing means that you pay another professional who specializes in that field to do a certain type of work. As a small business owner, you probably are already outsourcing at least some of the tasks involved with your business. If you have an assistant, you are actually "outsourcing" the work you ask him or her to do. If you hire a web designer, you've outsourced that task as well. Why not also outsource the writing necessary for marketing your business?
Some common types of writing that people outsource are blog posts, newsletter content, articles used in article marketing, e-books, content for your website, guest posting, and all sorts of writing tasks involved in the running and marketing of your business.
What are the perks of having someone else do your writing for you? Here are 3 big reasons to outsource your content creation:
1 - You struggle with writing.
I've met many people who are extremely intelligent and good at what they do who had trouble writing a simple article. These are doctors, lawyers, successful business owners, and college graduates who for one reason or another aren't very good at writing the type of content that's needed most often on the internet.
Everybody has their gifts and areas of natural ability, and grammar and spelling just may not be one of yours. If so, you're in the same boat with Albert Einstein, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Mark Twain. Einstein and Fitzgerald were notorious misspellers, while Twain once included a page of random punctuation marks at the end of one of his manuscripts with a note to his editor to insert the punctuation within the story where he thought necessary.
Unfortunately for most of us, we don't have professional editors who are willing to proofread our work and point out all of our errors. Most of us have to edit and proofread our own content, which is less than helpful if we already struggle with knowing where to put the semicolon or comma or how to spell properly. If you struggle with writing, then you should definitely consider outsourcing your content creation.
2 - There are only 24 hours in the day.
Delegating is a skill in itself. Many successful business owners have learned that it's essential to do the things that only you can do, while enlisting the help of others to handle anything that you don't need to do yourself. If you're spending your time writing, you can't spend that same time developing new products, meeting with new clients, or mapping out a long range view of your business. There are only so many hours in the day and so many days in the week. You may have the skill to do your own writing, but is that really the best use of your time?
3 - You have trouble writing on a consistent basis.
You may be a great writer, but you find that you either take a very long time to produce a piece of content or you have trouble getting yourself to write on a regular basis. When marketing online (let's say if you have a blog or are doing article marketing), it's absolutely crucial to publish on a consistent basis, every week.
You may be the best writer in the world, but if you are not producing content consistently, you're not going to see the results you're looking for. In that case, hiring a professional writer to do your writing for you could be the difference between a very successful and an ineffective marketing campaign.
There are many reasons why it might be wise to work with a professional writer. Maybe you don't have the time to write. Perhaps you don't want the hassle of writing on a consistent basis. Or maybe writing is just not your strong point and you would like to focus your time and energy on the things that are your strong points. From looking at these 3 reasons to outsource your content, is it time to take that task off your plate and put that responsibility onto someone who writes for a living?
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