A passive residual income is the ability to make money in an automated manner each and every day whether you actually do any work or not. The passive residual income ideas on this page are geared towards doing the work once in your internet business and then getting paid time and time again.
A passive residual income is the ability to make money in an automated manner each and every day whether you actually do any work or not.
The passive residual income ideas on this page are geared towards doing the work once in your internet business and then getting paid time and time again. It is not as hands free and easy as the phrase "passive" may indicate, but after putting in the initial leg work you will truly be rewarded with the ultimate internet lifestyle that you desire:
Affiliate Review Sites - Mini affiliate review websites are a very popular way to get started in earning your first commissions online. The aim is to create simple one page websites that you then rank on the front page of the search engines for your product keyword. When visitors researching the product in question arrive at your site then you try and presell them on purchasing the product before diverting them to the official sales page to earn an affiliate commission. A nice passive residual income starts to kick in when you have quite a few of these sites floating about the internet.
Blogging - I am a big fan of online traffic generation methods that involve doing the work once and getting daily visitors as a result for potentially years to come. Blogging is one of the best automated traffic methods to achieve this. If you commit to writing daily keyword targeted blog posts then over the course of a few months you will have daily visitors arriving. You can build a residual income from these blog visitors by promoting affiliate products and from the advertising space you sell on your blog.
Advertising Revenue Sharing - There are quite a few passive online business opportunities available today that are geared towards building a passive income. Instead of actively promoting products as an internet marketer, you are invited to invest into an advertising revenue share of the company. So the product in question is traffic in the form of banner advertising and text ad impressions. The companies make money by reselling this space to their clients, and they pay their affiliates a share of these profits.
Online Network Marketing Opportunities - One of the best ways to generate an automated online income is to create your own information product and then have lots of affiliates promoting this for you. The problem with this method is that it is hard for the typical internet marketing newbie to create their own products and to recruit affiliates to sell it. But by building a downline in an online network marketing company you get to leverage the power of a team to generate this same effect without actually having to own the product itself.
Take action on these passive residual income ideas. It will require a good amount of initial effort, but things really do start to snowball after a few months.
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