9 Ways to Make Your Site More Search Engine Friendly
Search engines want to lead users to the most relevant information that is available online for any given keyword. So focus on the user and do the following...
Search engines want to lead users to the most relevant information that is available online for any given keyword. So focus on the user and ask yourself the question,

"Is my page the most relevant page for this keyword online?" If the answer is yes, and you offer the best content for this keyword then you are well on your way. The only way to get top placement in search engines is to provide very compelling information. However, search engines don't read information like humans do. They follow specific rules. Follow these 9 rules to rapidly boost your ranking in search engines. 1) Optimize your URLs. If you have not yet picked a domain name for your website, don't try to go for "mykeyword.com." Instead, try to pick a name that you want to build your company and/or a brand around. Yes, having the keyword in your name might help a little but don't sacrifice your company branding just because of your domain. 2) Optimize your page title. Create a short relevant title (60 characters max). Have the keywords appear first and don't add any stuff such as "home page" in the title tag. 3) Optimize your description metatag. Add the SEO keywords to the meta tag description. The description should be 200 characters max. 4) Optimize your keyword metatag. Add the SEO keywords to the meta tag keywords. Include 5 keyword phrases max. Example: 5) Optimize your H1 & H2 headers. The headline at the top of your page should use the H1 HTML header. The sub-headline should follow the H2 header. Include your SEO keywords in the headline and sub-headline. Example: h1. Enter headline with keyword phrase Example: h2. Enter sub-headline with keyword phrase 6) Optimize your keyword density. Creating a keyword rich content page is a MUST. Be creative, write good content and make frequent use of the keywords you are optimizing for. However, make sure that your keyword density never exceeds 5% for pages with long copy and 10% for pages with little copy. If they do, you might get penalized by the search engines. To find out what the keyword density is on your page use this free Keyword Tool at http://www.seochat.com/seo-tools/keyword-density/ 7) Spice up your SEO keywords. Be sure to have your keywords appear at least once in bold, italics, and underlined in the copy. Again, do this once, but don't over do it! 8) Move your keywords up. Text towards the top of the page, such as in the first paragraph, counts for more than text further down the page. So, make sure that your keyword phrase is included towards the top of your page. 9) Use text links for site navigation. Do not use image buttons for links. Using text links is far better. Search engines can't read the text in images. Search engines want to feed searchers the best information and so do you. Make sure you have the most content, feature it in a search engine friendly site. We hope that the above tips have demonstrated that SEO does not have to be intimidating or very hard. Sure, there is a lot more that you can learn. For now just take it one step at a time.