It is a new age. It is a video age. Years ago, our internet infrastructure couldn't support video. Most people had dial-up connections that couldn't handle video. And there just weren't good ways of putting videos on websites. But today, peoples' computers and internet connections are video-capable. Learn why you need to add video to your website.
We have become accustomed to watching videos on websites. Does your website have video?
Until recently, our internet infrastructure couldn't support video. Years ago, we all had dial-up connections that couldn't handle video. And there just weren't good ways of putting videos on websites. But today, peoples' computers and internet connections are video-capable. You have noticed that video has become very popular, haven't you?
The emails you receive have video links. Websites you visit have videos to watch. Training on the web, whatever subject, is done with videos now. There are streaming video resources that provide "live" content. videoconferencing, where you watch a video and at the same time listen to a trainer is becoming extremely popular.
How does this affect the website owner/marketer?
It means you cannot wait any longer. Today, people are wired for video. Video is triumphing over the written word. You have to add video to your website if you are going to be a successful website marketer. For website owners, that means BETTER CONVERSIONS and EASY PROFITS... more product sales, more email list subscribers and more people staying on your site! Video sparks your visitors' interest and makes them pay more attention to you.
All you have to do is start using online video on your website!
"But making video for my website is too hard, expensive, and time-consuming", you say. It has to be easier. . . doesn't it.
Well, bunkie, that is no longer true.
Nowadays, you can get a decent digital camcorder for less than $199. And if you have Microsoft Windows XP or higher, your computer is all ready to go with free video editing software called "Windows Movie Maker."
"Well, then, "it is too hard and too technical for me to put video on my website." I sorry, but this is no longer true either. Not anymore.
All you need is someone to show you the ropes. You need to watch videos that show you how to do it yourself, or you need to buy software that will do ninety-percent of the work for you. Either way, you need to get with the video age.
So now you is not too expensive, nor time-consuming to do and it is not too hard or too technical for you do add video on your website. Join my mailing list, today. You are about to start learning how to do it yourself.
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