This article consists of basic information needed to begin and profit from a new online business. Speaks of the important aspects of website design, content, traffic, an autoresponder, the all important opt-in list and how to develop a good relationship with your subscribers.
1: A really well designed, professional looking website in my opinion is #1 (Your reputation is at stake here.) It can make or break your online business. If their first impression is a bad one they may never be back.
You need to think about where you are going to set up your humble abode (or not so humble.) Nothing much is really free these days and if you want quality don't settle for what appears to be a good FREE website until you have thouroughly checked out the facts. They do not always display the quality that you are looking for nor do they have sufficient space to properly organize what you will want to do with you site.
2: Hosting Service: You need a good, reliable place to host your website. A plot of land (hosting server) to build your house (website) on.
3: A reliable source for content (You can either learn to write which is really rather fun and not as hard as you might think or use some really well written articles from article directories. When you become a member of IGR, you can use their articles as they are, combine parts of several and create a whole new article and even put your own name as author as long as you abide by a few simple rules.
(a reputable article directory with great benefits you can find here:
4: Opt-in list and Traffic: Oh yes...we have heard it a thousand times...the $$$ is in the list...that all important list which begins the flow of "traffic" (No list...
No traffic...
No traffic...
No sales. It is just that simple.
We must find a way to get a good reliable targeted list of names of people who are really interested in what you have to offer. Once you build a good solid opt-in list better still (double opt-in) meaning that they not only have shown interst in your newsletter or ezine they have confirmed again by answering to an email saying yes I do want to receive this newsletter.) you can then send them great content and super offers for ever as long as they stick with your newsletter.
That is why it is so important to give your prospects excellent content and great information that will help them solve their problems. They need to feel that you really care about what they want and be able to trust that you are not some scam artist out there just taking what you can without ever giving back.
We need to reach out and give, give and give some more and it should be of utmost quality. People are tired of every other email holding out its wretched hand for yet another dollar. Seemingly cold and unfeeling, just another pitiful cry for whatever you are willing to fork over for the best -ever -whatever. They don't know who you are and you need to make them feel comfortable and show them they can trust you. Let every produt you offer leave them with a good warm feeling about you and your business and you will never lack for warm and willing to buy customers.
5: Contact: You need at least one good autoresponder which is an excellent way to get your info to your subscribers in an orderly and timely fashion. Never make the mistake of thinking that your customers will remember you if you only contact them every few weeks or months. They need to hear from you on a regular basis at least once a week with good, valuable information that they can benefit from in their everyday life and a super offer like a free ecourse or ebook or even a useful digital product once in a while. It will benefit you much to establish rapport with those whom you deal with online or off. Once your customers begin to trust you and your business thru your constant giving them what they need and want they will become open to your suggestions and referrals thus in turn giving you what you need and want.
6: A blog is an excellent way to provide your customers with information at their fingertips, just a click away. Keep it fresh and alive by searching out useful info and writing great interesting articles on a variety of everyday subjects (not just business...people like to get away from that once in a while) and update it regularly.
You need at least one good autoresponder (a great time saver) to run your online business efficiently. Just think what kind of frenzy you would be in if you had to manually send out all that great info. Once your list is built to a substantial number it would be impossible to keep on top of it.