Are You Hiding Your Business and Hoping To Succeed?
It a kind of secret from the persons they know or interact in their real life. Many people when they start with their internet business. They want to make it big before they reveal. They prefer to remain unknown and succeed.
Many people when they start with their internet business,
want to keep it a kind of secret from the persons they know or interact in their real life. They want to make it big before they reveal.They prefer to remain unknown and succeed.Why?They have fear of being laughed at or ridiculed.Success in business comes from exposing your product, networking and branding yourself. When you start your business, you must tell everyone about your business and your product.And that includes your circle of relatives,friends and acquaintances.As a first step towards success, you must be convinced that you are doing the right thing. You must believe your product because if you do not believe then it becomes difficult to convince others. Your conviction and your confidence would show in the way you sell yourself.If you worry about what people would say then you have doubts about your business and your product. You will fail to make a single sale if you do not have faith in what you are doing.It is always a good move to start with people you know. Because they know you, they would be able to make good suggestions and feedback that can help your business.Even if you think that your particular friend would not have interest in your business or product, he might know somebody who would have.Whenever you start a venture, consider mailing all the people you know with details of what you are doing and what your product is about.It would cost few minutes of your time to draft a mail. Chances are, someone knows someone who wants what you have got, and friendly referrals usually bring the best business!In worst case, you would be laughed at. That would test your conviction in your endeavor. And that would also reveal the true colors of the person you know.Do not hide your business. Bring it to forefronts and beat drums to the fullest whenever you get a chance.Bring your business in friendly conversations.Put your website in your signatures.Come out in the open.Let everybody know you are working on something you are proud of.