How To Cope Up With Learning Curve?
They occur when person involved is not even fully equipped with how to do knowledge. Most of the failures in new endeavors occur at initial stage. In both cases the key element of success is missing-learning.
Most of the failures in new endeavors occur at initial stage. They occur when person involved is not even fully equipped with how to do knowledge.Majority of new endeavors are either half hearted attempts or overzealous adventure without any ground work.In both cases the key element of success is missing.Learning.Learning is important part of preparation for success.It cannot be absolute one time learning. Rather learning is a continuous process.We start from one end and move to another. As we add to our existing knowledge we move to higher point.There is no fixed learning curve.It depends on X our present knowledge,
our ability and our input.Some people learn faster than others.To succeed one has to walk upon the learning curve.I admit that this can be very difficult at first. Especially When you are feeling negative and down on yourself, these thoughts come into your mind. * I'm not smart enough to succeed * I don't have enough experience to succeed * I don't have enough money to succeed * I never did this beforeThe key is to think positive. There would be many great things about you. You need them to enforce on yourself to stay put.Something like * The world is filled with everything I need to help me achieve my goal if I'm ready to open myself up to it * People who have succeeded before me are available to show me the way * I have had success in the past * There is infinite money in the world * I can learn anythingAs soon as you can think of more reasons why you will succeed than reasons why you might fail, reaching your goal is guaranteed.The reasons you've come up with will spike your inspiration and provide a clear picture of what you will achieve.Do not let the mind work against you. Make him an ally and see the difference.If you constantly paint your future in negative, pessimistic, self-limiting images, the mental picture you see is going to be so dark and dismal that you won't be motivated to pursue it in reality.Why would you? You've already convinced yourself that you're going to fail.This is very dangerous especially in early part of learning curve.You need to stay positive for times to come.