It's been said by one of the world's leading Internet Marketers, Matt Bacak, that adults over complicate and confuse marketing issues; paralysing their business efforts. He makes an incredibly strong argument for us to find the child in us and see things for what they should be; simple.
When I was watching a video of a World Leading Internet Marketing Guru's Seminar and heard that there was a twelve year old student making $10,000 a month on the Internet I was really hacked-off; 12 year olds aren't meant to be that successful. It's not right! They should be doing their homework. They should be seen and not heard!
It really bugged me. How can a kid make $10,000 a month while I'm driving up and down the motorway and slogging my guts out? It seemed totally unfair. I kept wondering, what does a 12 year old have that I (as an adult) don't?
The video I was watching was about starting up your own Internet Business. Something I was desperate to do. And what seemed to rub salt in to the wound was the kid's business was about Lego. Toys! I ask you.
I've been working in IT for over 20 years and I felt that I must have something, some knowledge that I could impart to my financial benefit. But I was struggling to identify my product. Was it tips on risk and issue management? Was it the best templates I've seen over 20 years? Was it articles? I just could not work out where to start.
Then something occurred to me. One of my main skills was spotting 'paralysis through analysis'. Over the years, time and time again, I've seen projects and programmes of work stall and fail because of some kind of paralysis. Managers were unable (or unwilling) to make decisions and inject some kind of momentum in to key tasks that were often quite clearly defined but floundering. It soon became apparent that I had fallen in to the same trap; I was reluctant to make the decisions and take the action that was needed to make things happen in starting my own Internet business. I was constantly thinking and procrastinating and researching and pondering but not taking action. I allowed myself to become confused about so many issues. What products? What marketing campaigns? What customers? What price? It got worse when I started hearing about Adwords, Viral Marketing and Autorepsonders. How could they work for me?
One minute I liked my ideas, the next I doubted they could ever work. I started to doubt my every move and found I had stalled. I was literally paralysed. Hoisted by my own petard. The key point the workshop made was that kids see things for what they really are; Simple. I had to start thinking more like a child. Kids don't worry so much. They use short words and simple sentences. They aren't cynical like most adults. They are more trusting. And when they make a mistake, just like falling off a bike, they jump straight back on and peddle like mad. They soon forget. As an adult, I often use overly complex words and sentences. I'm less trusting of other people. I sometimes distort things by looking for angle; what's in it for me? Sometimes I exaggerate too much. And more often than not, I dwell on my mistakes rather than move on as positively and quickly as I should. So here I am trying to embark on a new Internet based venture and trying to find the 12 year-old in me. I'm trying to keep things simple. And you know, it's actually working.
I only need one product, not five. It doesn't have to come in 4 colours, one will do. I don't have to spend $000's on branding and marketing. I don't need a really fancy web site to start. And so on...
Slowly, I'm undoing all those negative thoughts and traits that have held me back from making the progress that I should have made.
I must have used the phrase 'KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid' a thousand times. But it's not until now that I truly understand what it means to me and the way I need to work if I'm going to get my new Internet Business off the ground.
Viral Marketing - Gossip at it's Best
Are you one of those people who just hate gossip? All that idle talk and rumor about people's personal or private affairs. Like a virus, it's amazing how fast it travels around the office and in a small village. But would you feel the same if it was all positive news? And have you ever heard of a Gossip Protocol; a process used in a computer network that mimics the way people gossip, but actually used to solve problems.Leads for Nothin' and Clicks for Free
That ain't workin' that's the way you do it, Leads for nothin' and clicks for free. So if it's not workin' what are you going to do about it? There are three main ways to target those leads to your site: Joint ventures, Pay per Click (Adwords) and your own list. Are you leveraging the right techniques to make the most of your web site?Is Starting an Internet Business as Easy as They Say?
Are there are too many misleading things being said about the time and money needed to start an Internet Business? Get real and manage your expectations before you become disheartened and feel overwhelmed.