How To Develop An E-zine When You Don't Enjoy ... you know that many business owners market ... by writing content for their ... ... And if you don't ...
How To Develop An E-zine When You Don't Enjoy Writing
Do you know that many business owners market their
businesses by writing content for their online
newsletters (e-zine)? And if you don't enjoy
writing, the authors make those articles available to you.
You can find both articles in article directories
and article bank located on the Internet. Do you
know the difference?
Article directories are one-way places on a Web site where
the site's owner lists their articles. The articles maybe
available as free or paid content for other publishers.
View an example of an article directory at
Article banks are two-way Web sites or pages within a Web
site. They are places where authors "deposit" articles to
invest and where lenders "take" the article to use. The
"interest" someone pay for using an article consists of a
bio or resource box. Each article bank site includes
guidelines for authors and potential publishers. Authors
retain first rights - retain ownership - to articles placed
on article banks. Some article bank sites publish e-zines
that include recently submitted articles, ad swap requests
and/or an "articles wanted" area, too. You'll find many
article bank Web sites listed below. If you know of a bank
I've missed please send them to me.
Both article banks and article directories may provide
you with content for your e-zine, magazine, Web site,
e-book, etc.
With the permission of an article's author and some
times the article bank owners themselves, you will be
provided with free content. In return, the author will
provide you with copyright information, a brief bio and link
to their Web site. Many of the sites below contain
both article banks and e-zine directories.
When you visit article banks, look for the other
services that the site owner provides for you as
a publisher and utilize the other helpful services,
too. If you find yourself using an article bank over
and over again, consider providing a link from
your site to their site - maybe on a "recommended
links" page. It's an excellent way to thank the
site owner for providing such a valuable resource.
For a list of article banks, go to
Business Success Checklist. Where is YOUR Business?
Business Success ... do you start to plan your ... What is ... should you ... Where do you start? Use ... below to guide you as you build a strong, ...Do You Remember To Send Nice Notes?
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