Discover ... Services - The Secret Weapon For Flooding Your Opt-In List With ... Paula ... just wasn't ... Yes, ... coming
Discover Co-Registration Services - The Secret Weapon For Flooding Your Opt-In List With Subscriptions
by Paula Morrow
It just wasn't happening. Yes, visitors
were coming to the site, but the opt-in list was growing painfully slow. A new approach was called for, and a friend recommended trying a co-registration effort. And darned if it didn't work!
With both free and paid variations
available, co-registration is based on the practice of presenting a prospect with multiple opt-in opportunities (usually subscriptions or memberships) at the same time.
The Free Way:
The free method of co-registration involves a cooperative effort between competitors, where each offers their list the chance to sign up for a competing ezine(s), often on
a confirmation page after a purchase is
In this way, members of the co-op 'share' each others traffic. You can think of this as a type of joint venture. It works best when you
partner with one or two other ezine publishers, offering 3-4 ezine options. You must limit the choices, as too many can be overwhelming
to the prospect.
The Paid Way:
There are a number of services popping up across the Internet where an ezine publisher can pay to have their ezine posted with others, in a directory setting. A prospect visiting these sites will be presented with a
number of sign up opportunities to opt-in. These services are also known as
pay-per-subscriber directories.
However, as with other forms of paid
promotions, before investigating a paid
co-registration service, you MUST have a firm understanding of your numbers. Do you know how much a new subscriber is worth to you?
Once you've grown your opt-in list to around 500, run your conversion rates; know how much you can afford per lead beforehand to break even.
If you're brand new and haven't yet gotten a firm sense of your return-on-investment (ROI), wait until you do before signing up. Without an understanding of your revenue and
conversion, you could end up overpaying.
Remember, the internet is a numbers game - make sure you know yours before proceeding.
When considering a co-registration service, there are a few critical questions you must ask:
*Does the service provide only opt-in traffic? If it doesn't, move on. The more targeted the lead, the better.
*Can the new leads be automatically
subscribed/added to your opt-in list? Or will the service give you a list of new subscribers that you'll need to input manually?
*If you're paying, try to avoid buying leads that have been shared too heavily with ezines that have a target market identical to yours.
*Only use those services that allow potential subscribers to read short descriptions of the ezines being offered - again, this serves to
sort, target and pre-qualify the potential opt-in traffic. The closer their interests match your offered information, the better.
*Avoid those services that collect email addresses based on promotions and/or contests. These leads are not as qualified, since subscribers often opt-in only to win a prize. Their interest may be short-term, while
you are looking to build a long-term, lasting customer relationship.
So, as with every opportunity, do your
homework first. There are a number of
co-registration services to consider; you can start with the ones listed below:
Paula Morrow is president of Ideal Marketing Corporation. She specializes in p.r., information marketing and creating cashflow systems. Subscribe to IDEALProfits, now read in 12 countries, and receive 5 FREE ebooks!
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