A couple years ago, I thought it was just me. Just me who procrastinated those things I didn't want to do or didn't know how to do. Just me who got distracted with the dog in my face, my own personal needs (working out, massage, getting my nails done, shopping, etc.) or friends calling to get together.
Do you have trouble focusing?
Focusing ON your business, rather than just IN it?
Where do you do your best, most productive work?
Where do you come up with the BIG IDEAS?
Where do you find it's easist for you to IMPLEMENT those big ideas?
A couple years ago, I thought it was just me. Just me who procrastinated those things I didn't want to do or didn't know how to do. Just me who got distracted with the dog in my face, my own personal needs (working out, massage, getting my nails done, shopping, etc.) or friends calling to get together.
Do these things sound familiar to you? If it's not procrastination, why are you stuck? What do you think is holding you back from really focusing and being hugely successful?
There could be many things but unless you actually take the time to sit quietly and think about it all - how will you know or figure it out so you can fix it?
I'm thankful that I've taken the time in the last couple years to really work on myself and my business. Because not only have I gotten a lot more clear on what it is that I'm doing, where I want to go and who I want to help along the way but I also nearly have NO stress or guilt in my life now.
No stress because I've learned to "just believe".
- Believe that what I want, will happen or come about.
- Believe in abundance, that there are enough clients, money and success for me AND for all my friends/competitors in the industry. I don't need to worry.
- Believe in sharing and connecting people to those that will really be able to make a huge impact on them.
- Believe that by sharing and giving, I will receive; and I will receive plenty.
- Believe that when a potential client doesn't 'feel right' to let them go; other better clients will come along in their place.
- Believe that I will have it all.
No guilt because I've learned:
- To let things go
- To give up control on the things that I don't need to be doing myself
- To live life as I want to live it because I deserve it
- To delegate and trust others to help and support me
- To keep learning and improving my knowledge and expertise
- To give as much as I can
- To believe and be open to what's possible
From what I've seen over the last couple years working with budding entrepreneurs, seasoned entrepreneurs and those entrepreneurs making HUGE amounts of money and living the life of their dreams - with ease; they have all mastered this mindset.
I hope that you will take a moment to STOP and think.
- Think about what you're doing with your life, your business (your family).
- What you want to be doing that you're not doing in your life, your business (your family)?
- What is ONE step you can take towards those ideas and goals for all - your life, your business (your family)?
Keep it simple, do one thing now.
Then, if you want to put a plan together on how to accomplish all of the things you want to do or change and what you have to do or delegate to get there - then I urge you to take action with a Marketing Expert. This is exactly what I do with my clients. I take them from where they are now to where they want to be in easy, manageable, implementable prioritized steps. It's easier than you think but often times we need someone not so close to us to help pull it out of us. I want to motivate you and help you get to where you really want to be this year - let me help you.
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