Establishing an Online Presence For Your Blog
When blogging it is important to establish an online presence so that people know you exist and will come visit. Blogging sites require traffic in order for them to flourish but without the proper amount of exposure they will wither up and die! Read on to discover a simple 3 step process you can use for creating the online awareness your site needs to grow and prosper!
When blogging it is important to establish an online presence so that people know you exist and will come visit. Blogging sites require traffic in order for them to flourish since their existence is based upon serving up content for interested readers. It is therefore important to first establish some type of online awareness about your platform so that people can come view what it is you have to offer.
Here is a simple 3 step process you can use for creating the online awareness you will need for the purpose of increasing your blog traffic.
Create Killer Content
The 'brick and mortar,' upon which all blogging sites are built is the content contained within! There is much discussion as to how frequently a blog should be updated and the arguments are both pro and con but one thing is certain,
the content needs to be good. What you serve up to any visitors will influence them as to whether in fact they will even return, therefore it is best to 'pack' your site with good content before you go 'looking' for your blog traffic. In this way, when people do land on your site they will have something to view! With this accomplished the search for traffic may begin in earnest!
Visit Like Minded Influential Blogs
Since your site is established upon a certain theme what you want to do is go out into your niche and visit sites with similar themes. Look around on any related blogging sites and see what they are doing for any ideas that you may use for your own purposes. Your best approach would be to visit the most influential sites within your niche. The reasoning is simple, since they are influential they must be doing something right and they likely have a ton of traffic that regularly visits their site.
Leave Thoughtful Comments
The third and final step of your quest to boost your blog traffic is to get involved in discussions you see going on at the other blogging sites you are visiting. Pick and choose your discussions wisely and only partake in those where you have something of value to share. When you can, leave comments that are helpful in some way to the other participants.
Remember to always remain courteous and humble to make sure to give others a positive impression of yourself.
At one point people will begin to notice your comments and follow the link back to your blog which of course contains related material. This is when the quality posts you have already entered on your blog will begin influence others to return for more of the same. Soon enough your visitors will begin to refer others and now you got the 'ball rolling' and your visitor levels begin to steadily rise!
Establishing an online presence is the first step you need to take in order to increase your blog traffic. Blogging sites by and large tend not to exist unless they have people visiting to view the content. When this occurs loyalty develops and these same people then begin to refer others as well. None of this can happen without first establishing an online awareness for your platform. The 3 simple steps suggested above serve to create an inviting site along with the opportunity to increase your blog traffic. These suggested steps require a little effort but are not hard to complete and implement. The results you get will be a surge of traffic that can easily become a loyal following provided you supply good content to make their visits worthwhile.