Getting started on eBay can be tough, especially when you're deciding what you want to sell. Eight-year eBay veteran Chris Bryant tells you what the most valuable item is that you can possibly sell on eBay - and it's something you already have!
When people find out that I own several home-based businesses, they always ask what I do. When I mention eBay, I can see their eyes light up, because everyone wants to know how to start making money with eBay auctions!
I then mention a few of the things I sell on eBay, and since it has to do with computers, I can actually see their shoulders sag a bit and think "well, that's fine for you, but what about me?"
Here's the good news -- no, the great news -- for anyone who wants to make money on eBay. What you have to sell on eBay is absolutely priceless, costs you no money to stock up on, and you've got it right now. Right now!
What is this "magic eBay item"? Knowledge.
Your knowledge.
Now you already may be thinking that no one would pay you for your knowledge, but I'm willing to bet that you know something right now that someone on eBay would be willing to pay to know. I'm not talking anything fancy or something that you'd have to go back to college to learn - I'm talking about something simple that you know right now!
Maybe it's a collection of recipes. Maybe it's fishing tips. It could be a guide to your favorite hobby. It could be almost anything - because people are making money right now selling their knowledge!
And even better, there's no inventory. You really don't have to buy much to get started. You don't have to spend thousands of dollars to get started making money on eBay - you just have to get a little quiet time, a pen and paper, and start writing out a list of things that you know about. Again, recipes are a great way to start. Do you make great soup, or bread, or anything? You can sell that recipe on eBay!
I don't sell soup recipes, but I do sell guides to things I know very well, and I've found that people are quite willing to pay me for that knowledge. With the millions of eBay visitors out there, I know there's something you know that you could sell just as well - or even better than me!
I also know that there are things you can do to boost sales of your knowledge products - again, these are things I've learned from personal experience that I want to share with you. And in the next part of this tutorial, I'll share tips with you on how to best sell your knowledge on eBay.
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